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I had never done particularly well in school but I wasn't an ace student either. for the most part i was a fly on the wall. nobody really noticed me and i was ok with that. That's why when I was called down to see the school counselor it was such a surprise. He seemed like a nice enough man but I'd never really spoken to him aside from a few exchanged greetings in the hallways. i had done nothing wrong that i could think of so i thought it must just be for a schedule change. i was called in the middle of science and wasn't too upset to be taken out that day. We were having a test that I hadn't exactly studied for. i walked down the hall and rounded the corner into his office and was surprised to see two other people standing at the door when i entered. They both wore doctor's coats with bright green shirts underneath. each of them had a name tag and were smiling at me, however one seemed to be concealing something just out of sight. "I can see you're a bit confused" mr. antoubus, the school counselor said. "Why don't you take a seat lex?" I glanced at the two figures in lab coats and slowly sat down in the large chair across from him. "don't worry about them" he said gesturing behind me "just look at me right now" the whole situation made me feel uneasy but I kept my eyes ahead as he continued. "unfortunately, we're going to be permanently pulling you from classes for the time being. it's my job as the schools mental health professional to look through childrens files and spot patterns of-" he hesitates shifting through what i assumed to be my record "concerning behavior" i was puzzled and he could clearly tell. "i have flagged you lex because you exhibit clear signs of CRD, child regression disorder. It's a nasty problem that presents itself quite subtle in children, but can become much more serious later in life. Fortunately, if caught early it can be treated and cured which is why you're here" he looked up and gave me a smile that made me feel even more uncomfortable "i don't understand" i said.

" yes well it is quite complicated, especially for you. lack of critical thinking skills is a prevalent symptom"

"i'm not sure what you're talking about, i'm perfectly healthy" i said, panic rising "i've never even heard of this"

"You were a frequent bedwetter much later than you should have been, you experienced accidents all through elementary school, you are noted here as chewing your pencils and erasers..hmm" he continued to flip through pages "prone to emotional outbursts. looks like you have cried in class a few times"

"what does this mean?!" I said , raising my voice a little louder than I should have. I saw the two doctors take a step forward out of the corner of my eye which made me recoil. mr. Antrobus did not flinch or look up. "Yes I see" he said under his breath "I can certainly verify that last one cant i" he smiled "you're being transferred to a treatment facility run by the miller foundation. you're going to be getting a more specialized education based on your needs. A lot of children have trouble adjusting but I'm sure you'll settle in soon. now," he said standing up and gesturing to the two doctors behind me. "i have two handlers here who are going to escort you to the van. your the last one i have to see so once your in you can leave immediately" i was stunned, everything was happening so fast and i still wasn't quite sure how to process it "so- so what you think i'm acting like a baby? What do you mean special school? What are you going to do? put me in diapers? baby give me a pacifier?"

"yes i do believe all students are required to wear diapers, we don't want any accidents' ' this was insane. they couldn't force me to go with them. I looked at the door but the two "handlers' ' as mr. Antoubus had called them, and were blocking it. I made a split second decision and bolted for the exit. They were clearly expecting it and I was grabbed by both my arms. surprised at how strong the two were i kicked back trying to throw at least one off balance but i was firmly restrained. mr. Antoubus walked towards me. "tsk tsk" he said "i was hoping you would go a bit easier than this but, i suppose i can't blame you. now are you going to walk out to the van like i big girl or does dr. drevel here have to sedate you. the one on my left grasped my arm in one hand and revealed a hypodermic gun in the other. i held back tears as i kicked at mr. antoubus's shins "this is disgusting." i spat at him. "sedative it is then. i hope you know that this kind of behavior won't be tolerated where you're going." the last thing i saw was his ever smiling face as i felt dr. Drevel pushed his thin needle into my arm. 

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