"Listen to me, Asteria. I-," What could I say? Why was I here? I had already told her I wanted to kill Sorin, but why was I here with her? "I want to leave." I actually didn't, but I wanted to hear what she would say.

She sat back in her chair and let out a frustrated sigh. She turned off her laptop and pushed those glasses of hers to the top of her head again. "No. You're stuck here for your safety and for mine. You and I are stuck here for a week. By then, Sorin will be back at his house and looking to kill you. I'm stuck here because someone needs to watch over you. Plus, when we leave Ellis, we'll be one step ahead him."

"Which means no internet connection, no people, no nothing for a week?" I asked. She smirked at me. She looked around the shabby cottage; the paint on the walls cracked, and the wood tiles on the floor creaked. The lights were dim and there were bugs in the corners.

"So you're staying here a week?" She raised her brow as she asked. She stood up and faced me. The top of her head reached my chin as she looked up at me. "Selene, answer me." Her voice was stern as she demanded an answer.

Oh she's hiding something and I'm going to find out. She's making it so obvious she's hiding something.

"Yes," I gave in. "I am staying for the week."

"Longer if sources confirm Sorin is still in Ellis?" She asked. Where the hell was she even going with this?

"What sources?" Was my immediate response.

"Yes or no, Selene?" She slightly raised her voice, getting impatient with me. I had all the time in the world. She didn't.

"Yes. I'm staying, Asteria." She slowly nodded at me. "Now show me whatever you're hiding." She walked to the middle of the room, and she placed her feet on separate pieces of wood and stomped three times. They came apart. The opened perfectly along the linings; not a soul would suspect that they opened.

I walked over and looked into it to see a staircase glowing in gold lights. I looked up at Asteria and who nodded her head in the direction of the stairs.

"How do I know you're not going to lock me down if I go first?" I asked her.

"How do I know you're not going to run the second I take three steps down?" She retorted. I rolled my eyes at her and took a step couple steps down. I stopped and turned around looking to make sure she was following me down the stairs.

She was.

At the end of the stairs, the room was dark. The light from the stairs wasn't enough to show me the entirety of the room; it looked like a mechanical room.

As Asteria's foot touched the last step, the room lit up. The computers were sectioned off by color. There were so many computers, so many lights, so much information. I took a closer look at the computer before turning to Asteria, displaying horror.

"Who do you work for?" She asked again.

"Landon Gray," I responded again.

"And who does Grayson Lyndon work for?" She lowered her voice as she tilted her head; a smirk displayed over her gorgeous face.

Grayson Lyndon took my virginity.

That beautiful terror of a man with his silky dyed black hair, tattoos covering his arms and chest, his insanely sexy lip ring— the way it felt on my pussy— his mysterious brown eyes.

He offered me the job before he took me to bed three weeks later. I was young then. I wasn't innocent, but I wasn't the devil I am today. I was snarky and condescending and he liked that.

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