Lexink (again)

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A/N: i'm aliveee hiii, enjoy this and requests are open ya know! NO SMUT THANKS


This is taking place in third year of high school so they're like 17 years old.


Link's POV

You know what I hate more than school?


Boring history classes to be specific. This teacher talks so slowly, I could fall asleep. The girls in this class are looking at me weird and nobody sat next to me.

And then a girl walked in. Shoulder length, light brown hair and brown eyes. She was wearing a red long sleeve shirt that stopped below the bellybutton and low waisted blue pants. She was pretty. Everyone's attention went to her as she was a bit late.

"How nice of you to finally join us.. Alexandra," The teacher said.

"I'm- I'm sorry, ma'am. My sister was supposed to drive me here but she over slept- I'm really sorry," Alexandra replied.

"I don't have time for excuses, just go sit down." She firmly said.

She nodded quickly before walking over to the seat next to me and sitting down. She turned to me, shot me a smile and then leaned him.

"What did I miss?" She whispered. "Nothing interesting, this class is so boring," I replied. She smiled, "History class is always the worst, that's not surprising. I'm Lexie,"

"I'm Link, I thought your name was Alexandra?" She shook her head.

"I don't like that name, Lexie is better.. or Lex. I don't mind,"

"Lex it is, then. We should probably stop talking before she catches us, we can hangout at lunch tho." She gives me a thumbs up before turning her head to the teacher and I do the same.

I look around the cafeteria for an empty table. That's when I see someone waving their hand at me, telling me to come closer. I walk to that table and sit down.

"Hello, Alexandra," I greet her.

"Hello, Link. Is your name actually Link or is it short for something?" She asks, taking a bite of her salad.

"It's short for Atticus Lincoln,"

"Mm, interesting. So, what class do you have next?"

"Math, you?"

"Physical education,"

"Why don't you just say PE," I asked, before taking a bite of my sandwich. She shrugs.

"Some people just don't understand when I say that," She replies. "Do you have a girlfriend.. or a boyfriend?"

"Nope, no girlfriend or boyfriend. Thanks for not assuming my sexuality though, i'm bisexual."
Her lips curved up into a beautiful smile.

"And i'm omni! I'm glad I found someone else in here in the community,"

"What's omni, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Of course not! People who identify as omnisexual are attracted to those of all gender identities and sexual orientations. Omnisexuality is in the category of multisexuality, which includes people who are attracted to more than one gend- Sorry, photographic memory," She said with a tight smile and a small chuckle.

"Is that the exact definition?" She nodded.

The rest of lunch time went by pretty quickly. She's super funny and she knows a bunch of random facts. She knows the entire periodic table.. that's so cool.

Before both going to our classes, I turned to her, "Wanna est lunch together again tomorrow?" She smiled.

"Of course I do!" She opened her arms to hug me and I hugged back.

It's cute how she hugs people she just met, I thought, with a smile.

"See you tomorrow," She pulls away, smiling, and quickly walks to her PE class.

I turned around and also went to my class, happy I made a new friend today.

*end of flashback*

"So that's how I met my best friend," I told my girlfriend, April.

Lexie and I moved in together and we also work at the same hospital. Saying we were close was an understatement. We share everything, we change in front of each other, I know her so well and she knows me so well. We're family. She's my family, and I love her more than anything.

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