"Tough" case :)

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Carina's POV

I was sitting on the plane, reading a magazine while waiting on Amelia. We had to go away for a case in New York.

"What is taking her so long?" I said to myself, looking at my watch for the 10th time when suddenly the plane's door finally opens to reveal.. well, not Amelia.

It was this beautiful girl with brown, slightly curled, hair, dark brown eyes and an adorable smile. I'm pretty sure I've seen her around in the hospital before but I never really looked at her the way I am right now.

"Hi, I'm Lexie." She said, holding her hand out for me to shake. "You're Carina, right?"

I shake her hand and smile. "That would be me, yes." I awkwardly start looking at her, waiting for her to tell me why she's here. "So, is Dr.Shepherd joining us?"

"Unfortunately, she cannot. She had an emergency surgery so she told me to go with you instead. I'm sorry for being late too, I just wasn't expecting to be put on such a case."

I was not expecting her to show here either but I was definitely not complaining. Without realizing, I was eyeing her up and down which she quickly noticed then proceeded to clear her throat. I look back up at her eyes and give her an awkward smile as she sits down in front of me. After looking in her bag, she gets a book out. The cover is all colored and the title just speaks to me. 'I swallowed a rainbow' which is way too obvious not to realize; she's not straight.

"What's your book about?" I finally asked. She looked up, surprised I was talking to her. "Oh it's a story about a girl, Capucine, who had a boyfriend but realized she actually liked a girl so she broke up with him. She isn't sure of what her sexuality is because she feels like she doesn't like all girls, just Aiden." She answered, still with that smile on her face. "They'll start dating eventually and their story is adorable." And that's what made me 100% sure of my theory. Her favorite book is about two girls falling in love, it would just make sense.

"Mm..that's interesting, I think I'll read it soon." I said, before she closes her book and hands it to me. "Here, you can read it. Just give it back whenever you're done." God, I could look at her smile all day. "Thanks, I'll tell you what I think of it."

The ride was pretty okay. We talked a little bit about anything that would cross our minds. She tends to over share sometimes but I don't mind. I actually think it's cute, the way she says "sorry" after it although there's really nothing to apologize for. I liked her company, she was nice and pleasant. Once we got out of the plane, we took a cab to the hotel.

"Hi, two rooms under the name of Carina DeLuca." I said to the host. She looked in the computer to make sure we actually had a reservation, then handed two cards to me. I pass one to the brunette standing next to me.

"Oh and the rooms are joint. There's just one door separating you guys, I forgot to mention."

"It's no problem, really. Thank you so much." Lexie replied, still with a nice smile on her face. We both started walking to the elevator to make our way up to the rooms we have been assigned.

"So uh, I'll see you later." I said, before opening my door. "Yeah, see you later." We then got in our rooms and I went straight to my bed.

I needed to lay down but I also needed a shower. I sighed, "Shower first, then you can lay down." So I walked to the bathroom and turned on the hot water.

Lexie's POV

I was working on my computer when I checked the time. It was getting a little late and I wanted to go over the procedure. I get up on my feet and walk to the door separating our rooms. I hesitantly knock on it and after waiting a few seconds, she opens up..in a robe.

"Oh- gosh I'm sorry," I said, looking away to make sure I didn't see anything.

"It's totally fine, Dr.Grey." That Italian accent should not be making me feel this way right now. "What can I do for you?" She said, slightly looking down at me since I'm about 1 inch shorter. She moved from the door indicating that i should come in and I did just that. "I was just wondering if we could go over the surgery just one time. I wanna make sure everything goes smoothly." I let out a nervous chuckle.

"You're worried, aren't you." She motions for me to sit on the bed before sitting down next to me. "A little bit."

"More than a little, come on I can tell." She says, trying to make me feel better. "Well yeah, more than a little. I just don't want to kill anyone." My leg was bouncing like crazy. It does that a lot. "Hey, it'll be okay. Trust me."

She then puts on hand on my thigh which earned a shocked look from me. Even if it was in a comforting way, it still made me feel..something. I don't know what exactly but I'm sure I felt something.

"I- uh..thanks." I stuttered, trying to find the right words. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," I lied and she could tell. "No you're not, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing, I'm just.." I sighed, I didn't know how to end my sentence correctly. "You're just..?"

"I am just..touch deprived and you have your hand..on my skin." I can't believe I actually said that. Those words actually came out of my mouth? I was so embarrassed, I could feel myself turning red.

"Oh- should I..move it?"

"Well you don't have to, I mean it does feel nice when no one has put their hand on you like that for months." I sounded so stupid and desperate, which I hated myself for. "But um, you can move it."

"I'm not going to, you seem to be..enjoying it." She softly says. "Uh..y-yeah." She smirked at my comment and licked her lips before looking at mine. I just knew I was blushing, hard. "Why did you come here again?" She asked, moving her hand up higher on my thigh.

I took a deep breath, "I, uhh, don't actually remember." I say, with a slight smirk who had appeared on my lips.

She then starts to slowly take off her robe which makes my jaw drop. I was not expecting that, at all. She stops before sending me a confused look. "Is there something wrong?"

"Mm? Oh no, there's nothing wrong. I was just not expecting you to..just take off your robe like that. I wasn't complaining though." I mumbled that last part, but she heard it and kept on taking it off.

She took a step closer to me and started playing with the collar of my shirt. "Why don't I..help you with this?" I nodded and  she quickly took off my shirt, before looking at me up and down.

I hate not being fully clothed, that's probably why I have sex every three months. I always feel uncomfortable but at that moment, I didn't. Her stare was nice and soft but still admiring.

Pulling me out of my thought, she crashes her lips onto mine. After a couple seconds, she traced my bottom lip with her tongue to deepen the kiss, asking for entrance. "She's such a good kisser," I thought to myself.

That's when she started to slowly unbutton my pants, waiting for me to tell her to stop. She didn't want me to tell her to stop, and I didn't want to tell her. I wanted this.

1334 words :)

Greys Anatomy One Shots :)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora