Lexink X waitress

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Thanks to Mia and Hailie for being Link and the waitress in the role play we were in.
General POV

Lexie enters the diner followed by his best friend, Link. They had been living together for about 9 years now. Going to a restaurant or a diner for breakfast when they both had a day off was kind of their thing.

"A table for two, please." Said Lexie, smiling to the host.

Getting phone numbers is probably the easiest thing ever for Lexie and Link. They both had no problem getting more than five just by going to the grocery store. It's not really a surprise anymore.

"Of course, follow me." Said the host, followed with a wink directed to Link. She walks to a table and puts napkins and menus on the table. "Your waitress will be here shortly."

"Thank you" Replied Link, before sitting down in front of Lexie.

"Well, she was kinda cute, you think she'll come back to give you her number?"


A woman started walking to their table, not really paying attention. She had two cups of water in her hand. "Hi, sorry for the wait." She looked up to them and drops the cups on the table, which spilled water everywhere. "Oh my gosh, I am so sorry." She said as she was taking napkins to clean up the mess.

"It- it's fine, don't worry." Answered Lexie, tapping on her sweater with a napkin. "This is drenched though, I should take it off" She sighed, before pulling it over her head, which made the waitress freeze and stare. The brunette, now in a tank top, obviously noticed and looked at her best friend in disbelief. He was holding back a laugh.

"Um- I will be back with more n-napkins to cleans this up." She said, before walking away, flustered.

"What just happened?"

"She was staring at your boobs, if you didn't notice."


"What? You have nice boobs, I get why she was staring."

"Link, shut up-" Said Lexie, laughing, which made him laugh too.

The waitress comes back and takes out her notepad.

"Are you guys ready to order?"

"Um yeah, I'll have the waffles with..orange juice." Answered Link.

"And I'll take the eggs and orange juice as well, thank you." Said Lexie, with a smile.

"Great, I'll be back with that" Before walking away, a second time.

They started having a conversation again before the waitress came back with what they ordered.

"The plate of waffles for you." She said before putting the plate on table in front of Link.

"Thank you!"

"And the um- eggs for you."

"Thanks" Said Lexie, still with a smile.

"No problem, need anything else?"

"No, I think we're good for now, thanks." Replied Link.

"Great, tell me if you need anything." She winks at Lexie before walking away to her colleagues, which leaves Lexie with a shocked face.

"I told you." Said Link, taking a bite of his breakfast.

"I- shut up"

As they were eating and talking, Lexie saw the waitress looking at her and biting her bottom lip a couple times. It would made her blush and Link would notice and laugh at her. They finished their food and asked for the check.

"I need to go to the bathroom, I'll be back" Said Link, before getting up from his seat."

The waitress came back with the bill, her number written on it. She handed it to the brunette.

"Feel free to use it." She said, walking away again.

While Link was in the bathroom, Lexie was thinking about whether or not she should go talk to her for an actual conversation. Finally making up her mind, she stands up and walks over to her.

Link was coming back from the bathroom when he saw his best friend laughing at a joke the nice waitress said. He smiled at the sight of Lexie having fun with this girl. They were going to be late for an appointment so Link had to walk up to them and whisper in Lexie's ear.

"Lex, we have to go, we'll be late to your appointment."

"What? Already?"

"Yeah, sorry Dorothy but it's your doctor's appointment. It's really important."

She sighed. "I know, I'll be there in a second." She turned to back to the person she was talking to. "I'm really sorry but I have an appointment and we're about to be late. So I got to go, but I'll call you, okay?"

"Sounds good!" She replied, smiling.

They made their way out of the diner and walked to Link's car. He was smirking at his best friend, with a look that Lexie recognized instantly.

"Stop that."

"Stop what? I'm not doing anything.."

"I know that look. Stop giving me that look."

"You liikeee heeeerr" He said, in a teasing childish voice.

"See? That. Stop that."

"But you do like her though-"

"Oh just get in the car already!" She said, getting in the passenger's seat.

He smiled as he did so and started the car. Lexie smiled at the napkin before putting it away in her pocket.

"Yep, you like her." He proudly said.

861 words

Soooooo I have two apologies:
Sorry for taking so long to update, I've just been a little busy and I have not been feeling great these days. My mental health has just been um- bad🤪. I hope you can understand :)

And second apology: I'm sorry for making this really long but it was an interesting conversation :)

I have nothing else to say right now, so this is good bye shawtys. Till next time ;)

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