Chapter 3. The Desire of Genin

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Published: 10-11-21
Edited: 24-05-22

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I present to you, hoomans, Chapter 3!

If you find any mistakes, please, bother to tell me)

I adore reading comments, so feel free to make stupid jokes :)


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Our boy Naruto was sitting in class. It was 6am, so no one was here yet. He's now 12 years old and on the last year of his academy classes. Again. Why, you ask? He wanted to be on one rookie squad with Shikamaru and Choji, maybe even in the same team if it all goes cool, but he went to the academy 3 years before the others, so he had to fail the final test a few times in order to get back on the right track. Well, he tried to pass the first time, but the bunshin-making test completely demolished him. So you could say he didn't do it on purpose. And he still didn't know how he would pass the Genin exams this year, since he kinda gave up on the 'bunshin' thing. Maybe, if he got lucky, he would pass. But that was highly unlikely.

Despite failing 2 times, Naruto gets nice reputation in class every year. He isn't that loud with all the people around him: he is known to be quiet and quite smart among the other kids. Although he still couldn't look underneath the underneath. But even some teachers noticed that he's different from other children, especially looking at his way of thinking. Iruka, unexpectedly, even started letting Naruto sleep on his lessons half a year after failing his first Genin exam! Isn't that wild?

But some things never change.

Naruto was dressed in his usual clothes: his iconic orange jumpsuit and dark blue ANBU sandals. Although, he still looked different from before. For whatever reason he decided that he wanted to grow his hair, and it was already quite long: the ends of his sunny locks could be seen touching his shoulder blades. You could say that Naruto looks like a carbon copy of the Fourth Hokage, except for his face structure. And his head also decided that if he wanted to surpass the Fourth, he would need longer hair. Why did I say he was smart? No idea.

Back to action. Naruto was sitting at his desk on the 2nd row, looking out the window. He didn't want to think of anything sad, so he passed his attention onto leaves of a random tree, which were gently moving with the current of the wind.

"-Leaves. Leaf. Leaf Village. Hokage.. Villagers... Ugh, how did I get dragged down to this topic again!-" he thought to himself and tried to forget about it the best he could. That's when the door burst open.

"Oi, Naruto! Why are you here so early again?" the demanding, but at the same time caring voice echoed throughout the classroom. Naruto turned his head to look at a Chunin with brown hair tied into a high ponytail, a chunin vest, dark blue ANBU pants and default high ANBU sandals. The feature that made this man even more recognizable was the scar that crossed the upper part of his nose.

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