[30] This is the Beginning

Start from the beginning

"Let's go before things get awkward" I said grabbing Luke's arm and pulling him out of the house. "Why would it be awkward if our moms think we'd be good as a couple?" He nonchalantly questioned.

"I don't know if we'd be good like that" I confessed, "I mean I know you wouldn't feel the same way" "The same way?" He asked. "Like if we were a couple?" I said. "I wouldn't mind" He confessed. "You wouldn't mind?" I asked, "Does that mean-"

"Let's deal with this later" he interrupted, "For now we have to deal with all your stuff" I raised an eyebrow and agreed, opening the door to what was my house.

We walked up the stairs silently, not because there was any awkward tension between us but, we were both thinking.

I opened the door and it creaked loudly. I looked at my room. It's too bad I won't have a room of my own for some time, until we get back onto our feet.

"What should you pack first?" Luke asked, examining the room and all of the contents within it. "I think my clothes, and then all of the pictures and posters on the wall" I pondered.

I opened my closet and took the luggage I used for the New York trip. "Here let me help you with that" Luke said helping me with the luggage from behind as we both slowly put it on the ground.

"Okay, first of all you have too many clothes" Luke chucked inspecting my closet. "Don't tell me you don't have this much clothes" I giggled. "Not this much but I'll have to make room for yours" he said, "So we both have to get rid of old clothes"

"Alright, alright" I said picking out the clothes that I did and did not need. Luke went through my drawers and I went through my closet. "You are going to need this" Luke smirked holding up one of my bras. "Oh my god Luke" I groaned, "You're such a boy, haven't you seen a bra before?"

"Actually yes" he shrugged. "I'm guessing Hannah's" I groaned. "Yeah?" He said awkwardly, "But that was in the past and I kind of hate Hannah"

"Then let's forget about that horrible stage in your life and focus on this one" I said putting all of my clothes in the luggage. "Do you need help closing it?" Luke chuckled seeing me struggle with closing this packed suitcase.

"I'd greatly. Appreciate. It" I said between breaths. "I'll sit on it" Luke suggested, "And you zip it" he jumped on it and since he was such a big person I was able to zip the suitcase shut.

"There" I said picking up the heavy bag but Luke quickly picked up the bag. "I'll just grab my posters and pictures and then we can go back" I started to pick out the pictures and placed them in a pile.

"I can bring the luggage" Luke said. "I guess I'll bring these then" I grabbed the pile of pictures and posters and started to head out the door.

We started walking down the stairs and I saw Luke struggling with the bag. "You okay there?" I chuckled. "I'm. Fine" he said in between breaths, "Remember these guns" he said showing off one of his muscles. "Oh yeah right the 'guns'" I giggled.

We walked out of the house and I skipped on the steps leading to Luke's porch while he struggled with the luggage.

He opened the door and rolled the luggage in. "I think everyone is sleeping" I whispered. The house was silent.

"It's this way" Luke whispered as he guided me to his room. "I've been here before" I giggled, "I know my way around" "If you know, then I should follow the leader" He chuckled, "Go on"

I hopped my way up the stairs and waited for Luke at the top. He made his way to the top and then rolled the bag to his room.

"So where's the extra bed?" I asked inspecting every inch of the room. "Over here" Luke pulled the bed from under his bed and got a blanket and threw over a blanket. "Penguin blanket I see" I chuckled.

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