Slowly down Tessa, you just forgave him.

I clear my throat.

"So, what are we making?" I ask.

He leans against the counter and starts rolling up his sleeves.

"We can make whatever you want love."

He starts washing his hands.


"How about what you made me last time, the pasta."

He smiles.

"The Chicken Fettuccine Alfredo?"

"Mhmm, I liked it."

He chuckles.

"Are you making fun of me?"

I cross my arms and scold him.

"No, I just missed this." He says.

He dries his hands with the kitchen towel.

"Missed what?"

"Just being with you, that apartment is empty without you." He admits.

I suddenly feels so bad, just imagining him all alone in the apartment makes me regret telling him all those awful things. I was just so upset in the moment, I didn't mean it.

I look over at him and see that he already has all the ingredients laid out on the table, he starts shredding a block of cheese on the cutting board. I walk over to the sink and begin washing my hands.


"Yes darling."

I slowly dry off my hands.

"Remember that day at the apartment, after the wedding. When I found the book."

He stops cutting the cheese and the only sound you can hear is Jerry snoring in the distance, he continues cutting the cheese.

"How could I forget." He says softly.


"Well.............I didn't mean what I said to you that day, I was just angry and hurt because of the book...I..........I don't wish you were dead, I.........I don't know why I said that. I'm sorry."

He puts down the knife and turns to face me, he walks towards me and gently cups my face in his hands.

"It's ok, I know you didn't mean it." She says sweetly.

"I'm so sorry for what I said, I can't imagine my world without you."

"I know, it's ok baby. It's in the past."

"Are you sure you're not mad?" I ask.

He takes a sigh.

"I won't say it didn't hurt because it did, but I knew that in that moment you were hurting and that you just wanted to get back at me. You were able to forgive me so it's only fair that I forgive you."

"I wish I could take it back." I say.

"I wish I could take back a lot of stuff too, let's just move forward, ok?"


He smiles before we walks back to the cutting board.

"What should I do?" I ask.

He grabs a pot and pours the cheese inside.

"You can boil the pasta, I'll start the chicken."


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