Chapter 3

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"You know, when you asked me for a favor, I thought you meant on your farm, not all the way down here," Haley huffed as she adjusted the flashlight in her hands. The beam strayed up the side of the cavern wall towards the ceiling. Verona stopped her digging and cleared her throat. Readjusting, Haley said, "Sorry, sorry."

She scooped the last of the rubble from the hole in the wall. It was barely large enough to fit her arm, but she prayed it was enough. This is where she found the first canister and Gunther had suggested the possibility of a trove. After a little digging, she realized it opened into a larger alcove. A quick flash of her light revealed something metallic hiding at the back.

"If Marlon catches me down here with you, we'll be in so much trouble."

"I have permission from Marlon to be here," she reasoned as she shoved her arm inside, "If you're with me, you're fine." Her fingers grazed the surface of the item. She sucked a breath through her teeth as she strained to get it, but it was just out of her reach. The rough stone tore at her skin as she yanked her hand out. "Damn it."

Haley knelt beside her, angling the flashlight so she could get a better look inside. To her credit, she dressed appropriately for a day of farm work. She tied her loose curls in a high ponytail, so they were out of her face. Her old shirt and cut-off shorts were perfect for a day of working in the sun. Verona was touched that she was willing to put in the effort for her.

"Can't you just make the hole bigger?"

"I don't want to ruin the integrity of the wall," Verona stated as she picked bits of stone from the scrapes on her knuckles, "Marlon warned me that these old mines are prone to cave ins. I don't want to be the cause of one if I can help it."

She wrinkled her nose. "And you think whatever's in there is worth that risk?"

"I mean, I think it's worth the risk," Verona bobbed her head from side to side, "and besides, I've been in more dangerous situations than this while exploring down here. You're lucky we haven't bumped into any bats."

Verona turned her gaze to the ceiling, eyeing it warily. It was hard to discern the top in the dim light. Even if something sinister lurked overhead, they wouldn't know until it was too late. Haley made a face and said, "You owe me a bottle of wine for this." She passed the flashlight off and wiped her hands on the front of her shorts.

Gingerly, she put her hand in the hole, navigating the rough edges of the stone. She made it to her mid-forearm before she stopped. A moment passed, then another as she felt around. "Oh?" Her body seized as the color leeched from her face. "Ew, ew, ew." She drew back and ducked behind Verona, cradling her hand to her chest. "There's something crawling around in there."

Verona shined her light back towards it as a spider crept out, almost too large to squeeze out of the hole. She squeaked in surprise, shielding Haley from its view. Its eyes glinted in the light as it scurried up the wooden support, disappearing in the shadows overhead. Haley muffled a whimper in the palm of her hand, tears clinging to her lashes.

Bracing herself, Verona leaned in to inspect it. She flashed her light, but the only glint came from the metal at the back. She sank back on her knees and said, "I think you should be good. Do you want to try again? Otherwise, I can figure out another way."

"No," she insisted, "I can do it."

With a trembling hand, she went back in. Seconds ticked by, turning to minutes as she eased her way towards the small alcove at the back. She made it to her elbow, then to mid-bicep, until she was flush against the wall. "I think I found it, but I'm not sure if it'll..." She pressed herself tighter against the stone, straining to reach it. "I got it."

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