Forever Mystery

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There is a red house in the middle of the forest. The Bush that covered the house is more like protecting it by preventing any external soul from entering. The wild grass, the trees from which branches are creaking, scattered thorns, dense canopy and the horrible atmosphere makes the region alone. The house is exactly in the middle and the forest is covering it like an umbrella. All these created such a mystery that from the past 100 years people has almost forget about it. Because its forgotten, so the mystery will never be solved. Hence the house is FOREVER MYSTERY.

On one fine evening someone rang the bell of the Miselle's house. Laura opened and saw a girl of maximum 20 years standing outside with a very sweet smile.
"Is it Advocate Josh Miselle's residence?"
"Yes, it is but I dont seem to know you."
From behind Josh called and Laura welcomed their guest. "Well I also dont know you, Laura but Mr. Josh, I took an appointment from your assistant."
"Yes I remember. Tell me how can I help you." Josh said
"Mr. Josh actually I need a help. I live in Forks and last year my father died. He left me with a huge business and a lot of property. Being his only heir I inherited all. But currently I am facing a lot of problems. I have checked  all the properties of my father and everything is very clear to me."
"Then what is the problem?" Josh said
"Here look, this paper is the problem. It is a house, and it is located somewhere here but I cant find it. I also went to the local police station but they said that this sort of address doesn't exist." Saying this the newcomer sighed.
" madam ...." Josh is interrupted by the girl "Dont call me madam, I am Kate Anderson."
"Kate, this address seems really weird but I need some time to check it out. Do you have any map or something?"
"Yes I have" Kate replied.
"Leave it here, I will check it tomorrow and will then tell you."
Kate left her phone number and the map and then left. Josh went to his study and sat down with his books. He is man of long silences and utmost seriousness. He is a lawyer and spends most of the time in his chamber or in his library. His wife Laura seldom screams on him because of his so much  work but loves him a lot. They have a daughter, Dona who is 13 years old and she is just like her father.
Josh was studying the map when suddenly he realized that he spent the whole night in the library. He hurried towards his room where he saw Laura sleeping. "Hello, Fabiola, I am coming to the office. Be ready." Josh said to his assistant.
Seeing Laura sleep Josh went to his office.

At the evening Josh came back with his head down and he seemed upset. Laura asked "what happened?? Why are you like this?"
Josh thought something for a moment and then lifted up his head. "Um....nothing happened. I am fine. Can I get a coffee?"
Josh as usual settled in his study while Laura reached there with the coffee. "You can tell me" Laura said
"The map that Kate gave me is atleast 150 years old. So naturally the whole area is a lot changed now. It is really difficult to locate that property now." Josh said this and sighed
"It is difficult but not impossible. I know you will do this." Laura said with a smile. Seeing this confidence Josh became energized once again.

The next day Josh went out early. He called his assistant and told her to meet him in front of the bush. Fabiola came there and asked him "what happened sir? Why such a sudden meeting and why here?"
"Actually I checked the map and found that this is the road that goes to the mansion. Though there is no road but here in the map the road goes straight like this. It means that now the road is inside the bush. We have to go inside the bush and check whether there is any house or not." Josh said
"Sir" Fabiola said looking straight to Josh with her whole body is shaking "Are you sure? We have to go inside."
" yes why not?"
"No I mean this forest is impossible to cross."
"Have you ever heard anyone call this place anything? I just dont find out why people ignore this place." Josh said irritatingly. "Tomorrow is sunday. You will meet me here sharp at 10 am."

The next day, Josh reached there and saw Fabiola waiting for him. It is a very rare incident. Most of the time Fabiola is the one who comes late. Seeing Fabiola Josh asked "Hey. Any problem?? "
" Sir here are some things which I have made ready for you. Please take these things inside. And dont worry if I see that you are not coming back before sunset I will definitely call the police." Fabiola said.
"Aren't you coming?" Josh asked
"No sir. I am sorry to disappoint you but I cant risk my own life."
"Okay as you wish." Saying this Josh took the bag from Fabiola's hand and went inside.
The forest is dense. Inside it, it is really impossible to understand whether it is day or night. But Josh paid no heed to anything and kept on walking. He is holding the Map in his left hand and his mobile phone in his other hand. "Okay so now I am on this road. Hm" said Josh to himself. He is constantly checking the map so that he can keep a track of where is he going. Suddenly he tripped on a rock and fell down. "Ouch" screamed Josh "my legs". Lifting up his head he saw the road blocked by some tree trunks. "Oh my God  the whole road is blocked. There is no alternate way, how will I go then? Damn it." Screamed Josh.

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