So while the Gamma took permission from his King, she quickly sent out in her link to her brother to join her in the hallway and for her team to rest up. She clearly laid out that she didn't want anyone to make any move till she knows what they have been called for.

By the time Mathew's eyes cleared, Zack's door clicked close after him and he joins the two standing in the hallway in the next few moments.

Mathew waits till the Alpha Anderson joins them before he leads them to the king.

Navigating through the hallways, the Gamma stops at the wooden double door with gold detailing, making Celeste raise her eyebrow.

Pretentious much?

Mathew motions them in before turning and leaving them to go in alone. Zack knocks at the door before opening it, keeping them open for her to enter first. Giving her brother a smile, she walks in, faltering for a fraction second.

Alpha Zeus Lando Roditti sat behind his desk, looking as much of a king as he was.

His light brown long hair, coming till his ear lustred with a glow of gold from the sunlight coming from the French windows right behind him. His huge, muscled physique that looked barely contained by his tailored suit seemed larger than life in light, his biceps bulging as he raised a sheet to his eye level reading through it swiftly.

There was no denying it, that the man ruling the kings was blessed with a primal masculinity that is hard to ignore and seeing him in his own lair, in his natural setting made it impossible for the witch to focus on what she was here for.

Each super natural species has one prominent feeling, or emotion that is ever present and describes them, like the fae people are gentle, mer people deceptive, elves are sharp... witches are dominated by the feeling of lust.

And Celeste was no different.

But being around werewolves for years, she had already placed a spell on a talisman that she wears as a necklace on herself always to hide her smell to the ones around her. For them she has no particular smell, it changes monthly to something else.

Something so mundane that they hardly register it.

She gulps, clearing her throat to get his attention, keeping her face void of emotions when his light brown one's clash with hers.

His eyes scan her from head to toe before moving to see behind her, and giving a nod of acknowledgement to who she assumes to be her brother. It is then she notices that there are two more werewolves in the room.

The black-haired man, who is the Protector of the King, and the Beta that had been in SpringFare pack.

"Take a seat, Alpha Anderson and Miss Anderson."

The witch does so, sitting across the Alpha still unsure of how should she interpret her situation. Not wanting to draw out the evitable, she straight out asks.

"With all due respect Sir, I would like to know about the reason behind our presence here."

The King leans back in his chair, his eyes showing a tinge of amusement as he eyes her before he actually starts speaking.

"Alpha Anderson, I would like to introduce my Primary Beta Paige and my Protector Kayden. This is Alpha Zachery Anderson from the Anderson pack."

While the ranked werewolves greet each other, Celeste makes a noise of distaste at the back of her throat, not sure if the introduction was for her brother or to make her known on whose pace they had to go.

A moment later, when she shows the king she is not willing to take the bait, he starts again.

"As you know, the incident that happened at the border of the Silvette Pack is not conceding with natural behaviour of our kind. Not to mention, I am sure you must have heard that my departure from the SpringFare pack was due to another such report. I would like to lay out a proposal."

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