Start from the beginning

i'm not doing this over text
i'm coming home

no you aren't
stay at the party and go home with Chilly
you can stay elsewhere.
if you dare step foot in this house

our house by the way

my name is on the contract, not yours.
i'm warning you
do not come home.


Delilah hummed as she sat on the sofa with Blue laying on her lap, moving some of her hair out of her face and pushing her glasses up her nose as the 3rd Cars film plays on the TV. One by one she could hear cars pulling up on the driveway, the girl standing on her feet and going to the door to let all of her friends in, all of them sporting pyjamas and had snacks in their hands.

"Bless you guys." She laughs quietly, rubbing the sleep from her eyes as she let's everyone in. Blue's tail wagged speedily as everyone gave her cuddles, spinning in circles if someone missed her so they had to give her a pat on the head or a scratch behind the ear.

"Attention seeker." Delilah laughs, pressing a soft kiss to the top of her pups head before she sits back down in her original seat with Sophia and Paula on either side of her.

"You, my girl, are going to regret letting us come here." Paula beams.

"I didn't exactly say you could, you just showed up and I let you in." Delilah replies with a soft smile, moving her glasses again before she leant her head on Sophia's shoulder.

They spent the rest of their night watching Grown Ups, drinking wine, or for Lando a glass of juice, and talking about things that were taking Lilah's mind off of Mason. It was successful, the girl was joking around with everyone and singing along to the music Kepa put on after the film had finished.

People were recording it and putting it on Instagram for jokes, but also to make sure Mason knows that she doesn't necessarily need him around to have fun. He was checking his phone every so often and shaking his head at the videos, eventually deciding to leave the team dinner to go home. 

It was the wrong decision, he walked into the house dressed in his jeans and his white collared top to be met with Delilah on Max's back with a glass of wine in her hand. She hadn't even heard him or noticed him in the house, she was too busy mucking around with her friends to be bothered by it.

But then she did notice him. She sobered up pretty quickly, getting off of Max's back and giving him the death-glare of the century which everyone in the room felt even if she wasn't looking at them. What exactly had happened to make him act the way he was acting with her?

He couldn't remember exactly what she had done, but it was something small and silly like choosing to sit with Kepa or Chilly over him. He knows it's stupid, they're married for christ's sake but it wasn't just a one time thing, she did it all the time. If they were doing five aside in training, she would never choose him, if they were on the coach or the plane she would always sit with Kepa and never sit with him.

He was letting his jealousy get in the way of their job and he knows he shouldn't do that, not when they've promised the likes of Lampard and Abramovich not to let their relationship get in the way of work.

Now he was standing in the hallway of their home he knew he shouldn't have even thought of coming here with the angered glimpse he had gotten before she excused herself. She pulled him upstairs to the spare room to talk, the room furthest away from the living room so no one had to hear the chaos about to unfold between them both.

Grace➛Mason MountWhere stories live. Discover now