Ironblood Arc part 5: The Night of Revelations

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(Play the song now)

As Javelin Throws her knives The group scattered into 2 groups only to be consumed by the fog make them not see each other

1st group: Wales, DOY, and Enterprise

2nd group: Sheffield, Belfast, and Cleveland

1st Groups situation

(As the song Is still playing)As Wales group splits up with Belfast group the fog consumed the 2nd group and as they were now scattered they heard Javelin Speaking 

HEHEHE Ms. Wales Wales Wales how long will you survive with your sister and Ms. Enterprise?!?!?! HEHEHE

Enterprise: Javelin!!! Why are you doing this???

Ask the British Ships for your Information they Even lied to you About  Commander Gabriel's Death 

Enterprise: What?...

and then 6 knifes were throw at Wales and DOY and they tried to block it with there sword but the 2 knives hit Wales right knee and left arm while DOY got hit with 1 knife at the right shoulder

Wales: Face ME you little Brat!!!

DOY and Enterprise: *Shocked*Wales...

Behind you Ms. Wales HEHEHE

Wales: What-

as she looked behind her 5 knives each hit its designated place 2 in the legs, 2 in the arm and 1 in the stomach but it didn't killed Wales and then Javelin appeared at the fog facing the now humiliated and injured Wales

Javelin: And this for Little Bel *summons her blades and destroyed her riggings turrets(again) and then used the Black Blade to stab Wales at the Left part of the stomach*

Wales: AUGHH*Coughs a LOT of Blood*

Javelin: Cancel

(Stop the song)

as she said this the song disappeared and Javelins eyes returned to normal 

Javelin: Take You disgusting sister from my sight Ms. DOY *points a Direction* you could get out of the fog you have *get an pocket watch out from her pocket* 30 mins or she'll perished GO

and then DOY and Wales left the Fog and Enterprise was about to follow them-

Javelin: I still need to talk to you Ms. Enterprise

Enterprise: Why Javelin?

Javelin: I'll Explain but It's up to you to choose who will you Believe to

and then she tells Enterprise How Commander Gabriel truly died and Edinburgh's Faked Death and what really happening to the Royal Navy's System 

Enterprise: That Bastard..... Then Belfast must know-

Javelin: She can't know that her older sister is alive

Enterprise: What?!?! Why???

Javelin: Let's just say It's Better that she doesn't know... Think of it Belfast had Deep Depression for the past 7 year if she finds out she do anything even tarnish her own reputation As the most respective Head Maid to find her and Ms. Edinburgh Doesn't want that to happen she preferred to keep her it that way but If Everything fails Edinburgh tells me to tell you this: She gives you permission to take care of Belfast while she is Gone

Enterprise: *Blushes* I-I It's an Honor for me to took Ms. Edinburgh's Favor

Javelin: *Smirks* I see you really had a Relationship with Ms. Belfast

Enterprise: *Blushes more* I-I you see

Javelin: I support your relationship Ms. Enterprise don't worry hehehe though it is an unexpected I supported you both now then *snaps her finger*

and then the fog disappeared showing the remaining group 

Javelin: Leave before I changed my mind 

and then they left and then Javelin head to the Sakura Empire HQ

To be continued 

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