"Ouch!" He exclaimed: What a graceful greeting for a cute guy he met two weeks ago.

Ryan ran to him and helped him up. "Are you okay?" He asked, but the smell hit him first. "Are you drunk?" He demanded letting him go. He scrunched his nose at the state of the man. Christian couldn't stand up straight and what had he done to his hair? He wore all black that it took Ryan a moment to spot him under the broken street lamp.

Chris pursed his lips. "A little." He giggled like a kid. Why the heck was he giggling?

Ryan threw him a look and Chris stopped giggling. "What are you doing here at this hour?"

Christian jabbed a finger at him. "What are you doing here at this hour?" He would have looked intimidating if he was not struggling to keep a straight face and stand straight.

"Do you want me to catch you a taxi?" He asked, concerned about the little man.

Christian waved him off. "Oh, I was just going to go." Then he turned to walk away, but almost hit the pole next to him. He stopped himself before he embarrassed himself further. "Oops." He sidestepped to escape Ryan's eyes.

"Hold on, little guy." Ryan suddenly grabbed his hand. Christian's eyes widened as he turned to look at their interlocked hands. Ryan ignored him. "Come on, I'll drop you off." He did not like the idea of Christian wandering off in the streets in such a bad condition.

"Uh-" Was Christian blushing? He seemed to consider the offer for a minute. "Okay, thanks." He smiled goofily. How much did he drink?

Ryan let go of his hand to check his phone. The taxi was on its way. "I booked a taxi. It'll be here in a few minutes."

Christian put his hands in his jacket pockets and leaned against the street lamp. "How are you?" He asked suddenly.

Ryan looked up at him and saw that a shadow had fallen over his face. The guy was drunk alright. "Good. How have you been?" He pointed at his leg with his chin. "I see they have removed your cast." Christian nodded. "Why did you cut your hair?" Ryan asked, curious. "It was nice before. No offence." He quickly added.

He laughed without humor. "I didn't cut it." He said. "My father did. He thinks only faggots grow their hair." He ran his hand through his buzz. "Have you ever heard of such theories?" He asked.

"Faggots?" Ryan asked before he could stop himself.

Christian flinched at the word. "He doesn't like me being gay." And Ryan regretted asking everything in the first place. So he was gay, he couldn't help but think.

He looked away. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked."

Christian laughed again. "It's okay. Since I'm drunk, you better ask whatever you like. Others hardly get this chance." Ryan only cleared his throat. "Do you have a girlfriend?" He suddenly asked, startling Ryan.

He coughed in surprise. "W-what?"

Christian took a step towards him. "You probably have one. I mean with your face, you must be popular among women."

Ryan decided to go with it. "Oh, I don't have a girlfriend yet," he bit his lip before adding, "or a boyfriend."

The other man's mouth twitched a little. "That's a shocker." He was silent for a moment, shifting awkwardly. "Are you free this weekend?"


Christian cleared his throat. "So you wanna hang out? I don't have anything to do either."

Ryan smiled. "Sure." Christians face split up in a huge grin at that. "Smiles look good on you." The other man bit his bottom lip and blushed.

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