Chapter Twenty Eight: Dimitrescu's Revenge

Start from the beginning

"Get on my back, we'll be there in no time. Grace, right?" she asked, looking at the maiden with big green eyes. The maiden gingerly nodded.

"Stay here. We'll be back soon." she barked excitedly, almost hopping on all fours. Cassandra jumped on her back, clinging to her gray fur.

"You better hold on my girl, I'm way too excited for my own good." she laughed hysterically, before sprinting out of Cassandra's room. Cassandra held on tightly as Lilith drifted around corners, narrowly missing passing furniture and passing maidens. She flew down the stairs into the dungeons. Lilith could hear Cassandra's heart beat increase dramatically, seeing her mother and sisters staring at Ethan. He was sobbing, looking at the floor as the three women were embracing each other. Daniela had regained consciousness, and when they saw Cassandra, she and Bela ran over and embraced a petrified Cassandra. When they let go of their embrace, Cassandra gingerly walked over to her mother, struggling to control her breathing. Alcina wrapped her arms protectively around her middle daughter, extending her talons out towards Ethan. Lilith, Lily and Amy shifted back to human, Lilith embracing both of them from behind as they watched the scene play out before them.

"Please, I am so sor-" Cassandra punched him, knocking out a few of his teeth. She could hardly see anything through the tears in her eyes.

"You, do not get to speak here, Ethan. You murdered my sisters and my mother. Who is the real monster here?" she hissed, backing away from him again, embracing her mother.

"This is my daughter, Cassandra. The last of my three daughters that you murdered. She will be the one to decide your fate today." Alcina growled at him, before stepping behind Cassandra. The room was eerily quiet as Cassandra decided on what to do, Ethan's uneven breathing the only thing to be heard.

"I've made up my mind. Mother, Dani, Bela, if it's alright with you, I'd like for this man to live."

"What?!" Daniela and Bela yelled in unison, frowning deeply.

"Why, draga mea?" Alcina asked, smiling since she already knew what Cassandra had in mind.

"You didn't let me finish. I'd like him to live, but suffer as we did. Lilith, can you help me with a hex?" Cassandra turned to Lilith. Lily and Amy smiled excitedly at Cassandra, feeling their mother shake with excitement.

"Fuck yes I can. I told you, Ethan, that I will find you." she smiled at Cassandra, before turning her attention to Ethan, who was shaking with fear.

"Please, have mercy..." he begged, more blood escaping his mouth. 

"No, thanks. I will enjoy this far too much." Lilith laughed, receiving a kiss from Alcina. Lilith stopped and closed her eyes, listening to thunder rumbling outside. 

"A monsoon. Perfect weather for hexing someone." she said as she and the twins smiled happily.

"Tonight, Ethan Winters, you will learn what it means to suffer. Allow me to explain. Every night, you will experience everything that these amazing women experienced that night, when you decided to kill them. Pain, feelings and everything else, until you breathe your last breath. And to make things a little bit more interesting, the only person that will be able to break this hex, will be darling Cassandra." she said, grinning wickedly. She held her hands out in front of her, her palms facing Ethan, who started panicking, trying to break free from his restraints. Black smoke started flowing from Lilith's hands, slowly surrounding Ethan.

"Wolf and bat, old signs of might,
Lend your strength to me this night.
The pain and grief he so easily give,
Must be returned so he may live.
To know and feel what he has done,
And change his ways, with harm to none.
Send back the pain, teach him this night,
And help him do what he knows is right."

Ethan's eyes glazed over briefly, before he felt wounds forming on his body, the same wounds he had inflicted on the Dimitrescu women. Lilith grinned wickedly. before placing her index finger on his forehead. He was howling in agony, as Lilith spoke once more.

"See the cruelty and the pain
That you have caused once again. 
I turn to tables three times three
Bring light to your actions, they will be free.
When light fades and dusk comes through
The pain you caused will come back to you.
I speak this hex to Karma tonight
I am a witch, I will stand and fight." 

The Dimitrescu women seemed satisfied, smiling at each other whilst embracing. Lily and Amy looked at their mother in awe and admiration, seeing her preform a hex in front of them for the first time. 

"My darlings, please take this man and dispose of him outside the castle grounds. I am famished!" Lilith gave each of them a kiss on the cheek, before they shifted to their wolves, excitedly growling and snapping their jaws. Alcina unlocked the shackles, making Ethan drop to the floor, smiling happily at the twins.

"Please! Blake! I beg you! I didn't know!" he pleaded, but Lilith turned a deaf ear. The twins aggressively bit into his legs, dragging him upstairs. Cassandra turned to Lilith and hugged her tightly.

"Thank you, Lilith. I am glad you're dating my mom." she smiled.

"Me too." she winked at Cassandra, smiling widely at Alcina.

"Daniela, are you alright?" Alcina asked her youngest, placing a hand on her cheek.

"Bastard surprised me, is all. I'm fine though, never better." the red head smiled and hugged her mom.

"Good, I love you, dragii mei." she cooed at her daughters as she embraced them.

"We love you too, mother." they said, before leaving Lilith and Alcina alone in the dungeons. Alcina turned and faced Lilith.

"That was... Incredibly alluring, love. That's the first time I see you preform a hex." Alcina said, kneeling in front of the gray witch.

"Mmm... I can feel your, uhm... What's the word I'm looking for?" she frowned, placing a finger on her chin.

"Want?" the word flowed out of Alcina's mouth, like the sweetest of sounds, like honey on the tongue, hypnotizing Lilith immediately. When the word was spoken, both women almost melted with the heat between their legs. Alcina's eyes were sparkling with love for the small gray witch in front of her. Lilith felt like the luckiest person in the world, that this beautiful woman chose her.

"I... um, I need..." Lilith stuttered, her words escaping her. But Alcina knew what she meant, leaning in and kissing her passionately, pulling her as close as she possibly could.

"I love you, forever."
"I love you, always."


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