Chapter Fourteen: Claiming Bond.

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Lilith took out a journal that looked like it was at least 70 years old. She gently took out an old black and white photograph. The paper was old, crumpled and folded. It depicted a black she wolf and two pups, with reddish-brown fur. They seemed to deliberately pose for the camera, unlike wild wolves. The she wolf was sitting, proudly, the two pups sitting in front of her.
"This is the last photograph I have of us, together." Lilith said through tears. She gave them the photo and she could see they were scared and confused. And of course, they were doubtful that this crazy witch could be their mother.
"What happened?" they asked. Suddenly the words got stuck in her mouth.
"I'll show you." was all she could manage, almost a whisper barely louder than the crackling fire. She gently placed and index finger on each of their foreheads. They slowly closed their eyes, their mouths open a bit.

Lilith ran as fast as her legs could possibly carry her through the creepy woods of England. She shifted to her owl form, realizing that she could move faster that way. The owl swept through the massive trees, barely missing them. The owl screeched in anger, regretting the moment she left her daughters in the care of someone else. The soft feathers around her face was stained with tears.
"Lily!! Amy!!" she shrieked as she reached her best friend's cottage deep inside The Forest of Dean. As she approached, she didn't slow, transforming back to human, tumbling to the ground, out of breath. The cottage was dark, and outside on the porch, she spotted a body. Her heart nearly stopped, relieved it wasn't the body of a child. Henry... Minutes earlier she had a vision of her daughters being kidnapped, giving her a blurry, shaky view of what happened.
"Donna! Where the fuck are you?!" she screamed. Suddenly she heard Donna cry for her, not able to speak. The entire right side of her face was bloodied and swollen. When Lilith found her, she watched as Donna took her last breath as she fell into the eternal sleep.
"Donna NO!! Where are they?!" she screamed, shaking the dead woman's corpse. She slammed the ground with her fists when it became apparent that Donna was dead. She didn't give up yet, running to the cottage, looking for any clues, any sign of what might have happened to her girls. And there, on the floor in front of the fireplace, a single black feather. She knew immediately who it was - a witch that has been kidnapping children, especially girls, and killing their parents and siblings.

Lilith pulled her fingers away from the girls, swaying slightly. They had pained expressions, fresh tears in their eyes.
"It's me. Your mother..." she repeated to them, sobbing. Without hesitation the girls jumped into her arms, crying happy tears. Lilith's long dead heart burned more, the fire first being lit by Alcina and her daughters.
"Mother Miranda... Kidnapped us?"
"And Donna isn't our aunt?"
"Yes, my darlings. You were kidnapped. Donna is Miranda's adopted daughter, but she's not your aunt. No matter. You're here now. I'm so very happy! I've missed you so much!" she cooed, embracing them.
"We are happy to be back with you, mater." Skye smiled.
"I hated that place. We were never treated well by that fucking hag." Kara grinned, thinking of ways she could hurt Miranda. Lilith loved the moment, not wanting to end it just yet. Suddenly the doors flew open, and the Dimitrescu daughters came swarming in. Alcina was just behind them, ducking through the door. Kara and Skye eyed her, still not used to her height.
"Before proper introduction, my darlings, do you wish to keep your new names?"
"No, mater."
"Fuck no!"
"That's my girls. Now, Kara, I named you Lily. And Skye. I named you Amy. You've met Daniela, Cassandra and Bela." she smiled happily. The twins nodded, both mothers noticed that Lily and Daniela would get along very well.
"And this, beautiful woman is..." she frowned at Alcina.
"Forget my name, darling?" Alcina laughed at her as she rolled her eyes.
"Of course not. What are we even?" Lilith laughed nervously. The Dimitrescu girls laughed.
"Well, I suppose, you're my girlfriend?" Alcina tried hiding her blush, not entirely happy with the word 'girlfriend'. Lilith jumped slightly in her seat.
"Lily, Amy, this is Lady Alcina Dimitrescu. My girlfriend." she got restless. Enunciating the last word made Alcina blush even more. The twins suddenly got up and walked over to Alcina and gently placed a hand on her cheeks, almost as if it's the first time they ever see another person. Alcina closed her eyes briefly to their touch.
"My lady. We wish to thank you. You unknowingly saved our lives, long ago."
"The hag was experimenting on us one day, agitated because she wasn't getting the results she wanted."
"My Lady, you came into her lab, without seeing us and demanded an audience with her. Something about a man child." Alcina laughed at that.
"You didn't see it, but she had a knife, about to kill us"
"So, my lady. Thank you." the twins told their story, genuinely grateful. Alcina was shocked to say the least. She gently embraced them, smiling warmly.
"You're so very welcome, little ones." she smiled. They let go of their embrace, and the five girls started talking excitedly, sitting in front of the fireplace. Lilith walked over and got onto Alcina's lap, resting her head on Alcina's shoulder. She was trembling with excitement and happiness.
"Are you happy, my love?" Alcina kissed her head.
"So much. I... can't even sit still." she giggled, trying to stay calm.
"I love it when you are like this. I have a few ideas of how you could rid yourself of all your energy." she whispered in Lilith's ear. This made it worse, she looked up at Alcina and her eyes dilated.
"Calm your beautiful self. Your daughters still hasn't eaten yet. Not properly anyway. Cake flour doesn't count." Alcina gave a hearty laugh, making Lilith squirm even more. She kept glancing at Alcina's lips, and her cleavage, getting lost in the beauty.
"Don't look at me like that, while the girls are here." she purred.
"Holy shit..." Lilith said under her breath, blushing feverishly, as Alcina laughed at her again.
"Girls! Let's... let's go make... Uh... what w-would you like?" Lilith stammered, struggling to speak.
"Flesh!!" Lily stood up, laughing maniacally. Daniela jumped up and joined her.
"Hell yeah!!" she screamed, the two red head girls giddy.
"Flesh it is!! Let's go!" Lilith jumped from Alcina's lap, and ran through the doors, Lily and Daniela right on her heels. The three of them were hysterical, laughing as they ran. Alcina, Bela, Cassandra and Amy laughed and calmly walked out the door, knowing that soon, they would be just as manic.

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