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Tears start to swell in your eyes as you fight to keep them from falling. Once Madison and Madelyn see them they immediately hug you.

Madison: Hey its ok. You don't have to tell us.

Madelyn: If your not comfortable telling us you don't have to.

You all pull out of the hug

Ellianna: No its ok. I need to get it off my chest. At least one thing off my chest.

Madelyn: 1 thing?

Madison: What do you mean one thing?

Tears start running down your face as you think of an answer. You were going to say "nothing" but you know they wont believe you. So you give them a real answer.

Ellianna: A lot has happened in my past that I keep hidden from everyone and it is getting so tiring and its just so mentally and emotionally draining that everytime I see the whole cast together I feel like im about to just break and tell you guys everything.

Madison: Ellie are you ok? What's going on?

Ellianna: I just don't know if I can keep pretending

You start to cry more but you try to stay quiet so the boys wont hear you.

Madelyn: What do you mean?

Ellianna: Before I tell you can you promise me something?

Madelyn: Of course.

Madison: Whatever you need.

Ellianna: Dont treat me different. And dont tell anyone especially the boys.

Madelyn: We promise.

Madison: We would never.

Ellianna: Ok so. When I was younger my parents go divorced and I was sent to live with my dad. But something happened that made them send me back to my mom when I was 16. Thats when I developed an eating disorder. It wasn't bad at first but every day it would get worse and worse. I got diagnosed with anorexia when I was 18. They gave me medicine for it and I did start to get better. But then something happened that made me stop taking my medicine when I was 19. And I haven't taken it sense then.

Madison and Madelyn just stare at you with tears in eyes. You have tears running down your face as you look at them. They then immediately hug you and you hug them back, none of you wanting to let go. You guys stay like that for a while, but then the boys all walk in and see you guys hugging.

Jonathon: Oh. Hey uh...everything ok here?

Ellianna: No.

Madelyn and Madison have let a few tears fall as you still have some falling down your face.

Rudy: Guys, what's wrong are you all ok?

Madelyn:  Uh. Ellie are you ok?

Madison: And be honest.

Ellianna: No. Im not ok. I haven't been ok for such a long time but im just going to act like im ok like I always do.

Your answer leaves everyone shocked as you get up and walk into your bathroom and shut the door while locking it. You slide down the door onto the floor with tears streaming down your face.

*with the cast*

Rudy: What the hell happened in here?

Madison: Thats not for us to say.

Chase: What do mean? What happened with Ellie?

Madelyn: Youll have to ask Ellie.

Tears start to swell up in Madison and Madelyn eyes again thinking about what they were just told.

Jonathon: Guys what is going on!? Why is Ellie in the bathroom crying!?

Chase: Why do you guys look like your about to cry!?

Rudy: And what's up with what she said before she left?

Madelyn: You'll have to ask Ellie. We cant tell you.

Madison: Sorry cant help you.

Jonathon: Why?

Madison: Because its not our place to tell you.

Madelyn: Yeah. It cant come from us. It has to come from Ellie.

Madison: Whenever SHE is ready to tell you.

Rudy: Ok well im gonna go see how Ellie is.

Chase: Ok. We will be here.

Rudy makes his way to the bathroom and then knocks on the door.

Rudy: Princess. Are you in there?

The only reason you decide to answer in because you know its Rudy. You know because of the nickname he always calls you. Princess. I know. Cheesy right?

Ellianna: Yeah.

Rudy: Are you ok?

Ellianna: No.

Thats all for this chapter. I tried to makr it kinda long but idk. Also I will post later today. Im gonna try to post a couple times but I will definitely post at least 1-2 more times. Thanks for reading! Bye!💗

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