changing a few things! (TW)

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Ok so, I decided that because its easier that im just gonna give you an actual name. If you would prefer me to go back and use y/n instead then obviously I will but for right no im going to give you the name Ellianna Barbour. Again if you dont like it or want me to change it then I will but its just easier for me to give you an actual name

Also so instead of you living with your mom first then moving with your dad im gonna do this! So after you were born your parents where always fighting even over the smallest things. They were both alcoholics and drug addicts. Then your parents divorced when you were 8 and you got stuck with your dad. Your dad ended up being physically abusive and beating you up basically any day he didn't black out. Then at one point he raped you. He would also have guys pay him in exchange for them to get to rape you. Then a random guy bought you from him for a month and did whatever he wanted to you. This went on until you were 16 when the police found out about it. Your dad went to jail and you were sent to live with your mom. She was verbally abusive but most of the time she was out with random guys so it was defiantly an upgrade from when you were with your dad. But her words still hurt. You ended up developing  depression when you were 9 and every year it got worse and worse. You started self-harming when you were 14 and you still do. You developed an eating disorder when you were 16 and you still have it. You were bullied in school from 5th grade all the way up until you graduated high school. And on top of that you have ADHD which makes everything worse.

I already changed the first episode to match this but if you read the first episode before I changed it make sure to re-read it so it makes sense. Sorry about that!

Thats all for now and this might be triggering for some people and if it then im SO sorry but im basing some of this off of me and people I know. (Not the abuse part i based that off of obx)

Rudy Pankow(TW)Where stories live. Discover now