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Both Markus and Connor are watching you from a distance, laying beside a fire with lips blue, slowly turning flesh colored again. "It's my fault that Jericho was found by the FBI... but even if I am to suffer for it, don't hurt them. In the whole time I've spent with them they never once tried to hurt anybody willingly, let alone kill" says Connor crawled up in the edge of the room. "I thought It was clear" says Markus and goes up to Connor, who gets up from the floor. "You've helped us, we help you. You're one of us, and even tho your partner might not be an android they're still on your side and by that on ours. You're with your people now" says Markus. "There are thousands of androids at the CyberLife assembly plant" goes Connor before Markus can turn away. "If we could wake them up, they might join and shift the balance of power."
"You wanna infiltrate the CyberLife tower? Connor that's suicide."
"They trust me, they'll let me in. And we don't even have to go soon, Y/N is still recovering. If anyone can get into CyberLife tower, it's me."
"If you go there, they will kill you" Markus says in disbelief.
Behind them, you start to wake up and stretch your limbs, looking around for familiar faces.
"There's a high probability... but statistically speaking there's always a chance for unlikely events to take place. "Be careful... and make sure you come back. Even if it's just for them" says Markus and leads Connors eyes to you, who is being asked millions of questions by a little girl. You laugh and look at another android next to the girl, with short black hair.

You look up when Markus approaches you. "How is Simon doing? I didn't see him around from here" you ask. "He's still blind, but thanks to some blue blood pouches and a few bio components we had left he's pretty stable. "Can I take a look at him? Maybe I can fix his eye sight" you ask, hopeful that Markus will trust you. And you were right, Markus nodding and leading you to Simon, who still looks very beat up. You gently approach and touch his arm.

"Hello Simon, my name is Y/N. I'm here because I may be able to help with your eye sight, is that okay?" you ask in a voice that you hope is reassuring. "I- I think so" Simon responds and nods. "Okay" you say out loud and get a cloth, wiping out the shot wound first. "This will be unpleasant" you warn and put your tools up the androids head, trying to locate the eyes. You're able to do so and clean out the blue blood from his sight connections. "Can you see?" you ask after taking out the tools again. "Simon?"
"Yes- Yes I can! It's very blurry, but I can see outlines" he says with a smile. You look up to Markus. "I need a screwdriver, his focus mechanisms are loose" you say and he nods, getting one. "Don't worry, it won't take long anymore" you say, glad you've taken those android classes now.
Sincerely you thank Markus when he hands you the screwdriver, and open up the back of Simon's head. You insert the screwdriver and search for the loose part, then screw it tight. You close the skull and look at Simon.
"And? How is it?" you ask. "I can see- and it's blurry at the sides but- I can see again" says Simon and he slowly gets up. "Markus" he whispers and gives him a hug. You let them be and search for some other cloth you can use to clean your hands, which are now full of blue blood.

"How are you?" asks Connor and you turn around. "I'm okay" you say and clean off your hands. "You seem to like it here, but you lost your phone in the ship right?" Connor keeps asking and you nod. "My dad has no idea where I am" you sigh and lean into Connor. "But at least I have you here." "Yes... you do" says Connor and you don't notice his sad expression as you sit down with Simon.
"Thank you so much" he says and you shake it off. "I helped you because you needed it, it's decency, not heroic" you answer and watch Connor awkwardly wave at Simon. "Don't worry, I don't hold grudges" Simon says to him to, Connor visibly relaxing.

Markus stands up high and starts to speak. "Humans have decided to exterminate us. Our people are packed in camps right now, being destroyed. Time has come to make a choice, one that very well may determine the future of our people. I know... I know you're all angry and I know you wanna fight back. But I assure you violence is not the answer here. We are going to tell them peacefully, that we want justice. If there's any humanity inside them, they will listen. And if not, others will take our place and continue to fight. Even now, we already saw humans open their eyes, joining us. Wether it was for friendship, for companionship, or simply love. Are you ready to follow me?"
Connor looks at you at the last part and grabs your hand, a smile on your face at this honorable mention. A chant of Markus' name explodes in the church and you've never felt more powerful than in this group of people, surrounded by ones you will soon call family. One you already do, as Connors lips land on yours during the chant.
"I had to do this" says Connor and let's go of you. You're confused and try to follow him, but Markus holds you back. "I'm sorry, we have planned this out."
You're even more confused now and hit against Markus' grab, but he won't let go. "What- What do you mean? Where is he going? WHERE IS CONNOR GOING?" you scream the last question, tears burning up into your eyes.
"He said I shouldn't tell you so you don't worry too much. He promised he will try to come back" says Markus and you collapse. "He doesn't think I'm that fucking dumb does he?" you ask, realization hitting you. "He's infiltrating CyberLife, isn't he?"
Markus staying silent was enough of an answer for you, but he holds you from going after him. "I have to keep this promise for Connor. You're under my protection now" he says and you grit your teeth, the weight on your shoulder seemingly crushing you down now.

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