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"They're coming from all sides! Our people are trapped in the hold, they're gonna be slaughtered!" shouts a lady from across the room as we meet up. North, Markus said her name was. Markus starts to message the androids and you can feel it ripple through you, even though you don't receive it yourself. Helpless you look at Connor who realizes that you couldn't hear it. "Exits are on second and third floor, we should jump into the river when there" he says and you nod, worried if you'd have to do that too. The water is ice cold, if you were to jump in there you'd most likely die.
"Where is Josh?"
"I don't know, we got separated."
"They're coming from the upper deck now too. We'll be caught in the crossfire!"
"We have to run, Markus, there's nothing we can do!" shouts North over the loud sounds of the machines above you.
Markus goes forward. "We have to blow up Jericho" he says. "When the ship goes down, they'll evacuate and our people will be save."
"You'll never make it! The explosives are all the way down the hold, there's soldiers everywhere!"
"She's right, they're everywhere and they're trying to get you!" says Connor and you don't know what to do.
"Go and help the others, I'll join you later" shouts Markus and runs off. "I won't be long!"
That's when North turns around and looks at you for the first time. "A human" she asks and pulls out her gun immediately, pointing it to your head. "What are you doing here!?" You put your hands up, seeming calm, but your hearts up your throat. "Don't hurt them" says Connor and pushes himself in front of you. "They're with me, we're here to fight with you together. They can fix androids as well, we're not useless." North still doesn't seem to trust us, but let's the gun down.
"I'll keep an eye on you, human" she says and goes off. You shout your name after her, and she nods only, then you all run off, Connor grabbing your hand tight so you can keep up.
"Markus!" shouts North and turns around.
"Bombs gonna explode any second, We gotta get outta here!" he orders and we run again. You jump over a hole and Connor catches you. About to run off further, you are forced to stop as North goes down behind you, being shot.
You throw a piece of metal as a shield to Markus and he uses it to shield the bullets, then throws it over to North. He gets up and kicks the guard down, shooting the other in the head. "Contact! Contact! Hostiles engaged!" "Over there!" shouts Markus and runs towards us, you grab your gun and go forward, shooting towards who once were your coworkers. One of them goes down in front of you. "Detective Anderson?" he asks and you feel resentment. "I can't stand for what you're doing" you say and knock him out, not having courage to kill him. You run off and Connor does the same, running behind you to push you further. "Run quick! Come on!" shouts Markus and jumps off in front of you, into the river. You stop, the cold wind blowing in your face. "I can't- Connor, I can't" you whisper when you feel him stop beside you. "You have to" he says, worry in his tone. "They're coming closer, either we die or we jump." "I'm human, Connor. This water is so cold, it's a die or die situation" you say, voice breaking at the two outcomes. "You have a higher survival chance in the water" says Connor hugging you tight. "Hold your breath." With that you fall into the water, the cold water running up your clothing. The only thing around you that you can feel is Connor, so you hold him as right as possible, even when your fingers start numbing and your air cuts off. The noise around you cancels out and you feel yourself letting go slowly, then everything is black.

You can hear your name being shouted several times, but- by who? Cold. All you know is that you're cold. Someone blows air into your lungs and you cough up spitting out what feels like gallons of water. "Dear God I thought you weren't gonna make it" says Connor and you can see tears in his eyes. You want to tell him you're okay, but you can't move.
Your whole body is numb and you can't feel your limbs, everything is cold.
"They're human, you need to get them out of this cold quickly. Warm yourself up, we only need to find Simon and then we can go" shouts Markus and Connor holds you up, warming his body. Before you can react to anything you're knocked out again, but this time a little warmer.

A Warm Feeling  | Connor x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now