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After picking up a warmer jacket you arrive at the Ambassadors Bridge, and you sit down next to Hank on the bench with the best view, a cup of coffee in hand.
Connor walks up to you two. "Nice view, huh?" asks Hank. It was an amazing view. The snow falling, light up by the moon and the many lights from across the river's buildings. The sound of the water in the river crashes with the ambience of all the cars on the bridge in a hassle.

"We used to come here a lot... well, before- nevermind" continues Hank and your mood darkens a bit. Putting a hand in between Hanks you squeeze, hoping to share your empathy.
"It's late and it's cold. Maybe you should go home?" asks Connor but you shake your head. "Why don't you sit down with us instead?" Connor seems to struggle for a few seconds but then sits down next to you.
"Before what? You said that you used to
come her a lot before... Before what?"
"Before.. nothing" you sigh and take another sip of your coffee.
"I saw a photo on your kitchen table.. It was your son and brother, right?"
"His name was Cole" you answer, Hank stays quiet. After that Connor gets up and walks to the fence.
"We aren't make any progress on this investigation... The deviants have nothing in common. They're all different models, produced at different times, in different places."
"Well, there must be some link" says Hank and gulps down his last test of beer.
"All of them are obsessed with rA9. It's something like a myth, something they invented that isn't part of their original program" concludes Connor and looks back to you. "Androids being religious... interesting enough" you say and warm your hands on the cup of coffee.

Connor puts up his hands and crosses his arms. "You seem preoccupied. Does it has something to do with the Eden Club?"
"Those two girls.. They just wanted to be together. They really seemed in love" answers Hank and you nod, finishing your coffee.
"I didn't expect machines to get to you this much, Lieutenant" replies Connor.
"What about you? You look human, you sound human, but what are you really?" asks Hank and gets up. You watch tense, but don't get up yet.
Connors eyes switch to you and back to Hank. "I am whatever you want me to be. Partner, friend, a buddy for drinking or just a machine."
"You could've shot those two girls but you didn't. Why didn't you shoot, Connor?" Asking this, Hank pushes Connor back and you get up. "That's enough! No need to get aggressive, dad" you try to talk to Hank but his are fixated onto Connor, who immediately seems frightened.
"Did some scruples suddenly enter your program? Hm?"
"No. I just decided not to shoot. That's all" replies Connor, a slight, almost unnoticeable tremble in his voice. But his eyes widen and go to you when Hank pulls his gun.
"But are you afraid to die, Connor?"
Hank seems to take it serious and you try to calm him down.
"This is really enough, dad. Please stop this- It won't change anything if you shoot Connor" you try to reason but he ignores you.
"I- I would certainly find it... regrettable, to be interrupted on this investigation" answers Connor, eyes fixating on the gun, then on you.
"What'll happen if I pull this trigger? Nothing? Oblivion? Android- Heaven?"
"Nothing... there would be nothing."

Hank puts the gun up and you go in front of Connor. "This isn't right. Stop it."
"Why are so inclined to protect this piece of plastic, kid? What does he mean to you?"
"He means to me, what he should mean to you. Connor has been a great addition to our team. A great fighter, partner, investigator, detective and a friend too. Maybe he's an android, but does it make you a better person when you kill a human looking android rather than a human? It doesn't. What does he mean to you?" you respond and stand your place, though your knees shake.
"Every time this fucking machine nearly dies, every time he looks at me he reminds me of Cole. I can't stand this constant reminder!" shouts Hank and the gun shakes in his hand. Your voice breaks when you realize what Hanks view had been the whole time.
"See dad... He's not Cole. He'll never be Cole, no matter how many times he shows up. Cole is deceased and there's nothing we can do except move on. It wasn't an androids fault that he died, it was a humans. Let's stop holding prejudices, for once!"
Hank groans and puts down the gun. "Where are you going?" you shout after him. "I'm going home. Take a bus or walk, if you want to come home tonight" he shouts to you and you swallow hard. This is the first time he has driven off without you.

You go back to the bench and sit down, taking a deep breath. Connor does the same. "Why- Why did you risk so much for me just now?" He asks.
"I just told dad" you reply leaning back on the bench. "Did I not?"
"Can I ask a personal question, Detective?"
You nod and look up into the sky, snow falling onto your hair and face.
"Why do you live with your father? You are 24 years old, the average person of your age lives alone. Why not you? You make enough money."
"Give me a little time to think whilst we walk to a nearby motel" you say and you both start walking in silence, down the road. You arrive at the motel, but it's
labeled as an 'android free zone'.
"This is a problem" you say and look at Connor. You take off your coat, suddenly glad you accidentally picked up your fathers and put the hood onto Connor so it covers his LED. He looks weirdly human in these clothes and your eyes linger on each other's lips for a second, your warm breath hanging in the cold air, but you push back.

"Let's go" you say and open the door.
"Room for two, please" you say at the front desk. "Only one night."
"We still have a free one, hang on" says the front lady and hands you the key. "Up the stairs and to the right, in your room you can also take off your coats and boots.
You thank the lady and go up the staircase alongside Connor, who is very obviously trying his best to seek human. You open up the door and he immediately relaxes when you lock it behind you.

"So, what's the answer to my question?"
You stretch out on your bed and look over to Connor on the other. "It's easy, I have several reasons. One, it's comfortable to  have double income in that kind of house, you don't lack money. Two, Sumo would stay with Hank if I left, but I want to stay with Sumo. Three, If I were to leave no one would be able to slow down his drinking manners and four, all the memories attached to the home. Also, I don't have a lover, or many friends who would visit my home. So there's no need."
Connor nods, seemingly processing something. "It makes sense. Is this the first time you don't come home after a fight?"
You nod and yawn, the clock hitting 2AM.
"Good Night" you say and turn off the lights.
"Sleep well."

A Warm Feeling  | Connor x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now