"Hey, Charlie", Ella began, only to be swatted away

"Get away, I won't let you take me", Cutter shouted

"Hey, nobody's taking you anywhere", Nate stated

"Just, come with us, ok", Chloe asked

"The floor is melting", Cutter said, Nate, Ella, and Sully all shared a look before focusing back to the task at hand

"We gotta move", Sully stated

"Our only hope is to find the crypt entrance", Nate said

"Great, any ideas", Sully asked

"Well, Charlie was onto something, I just don't know what", Chloe stated

"The Wand of the Magician...", Cutter said

"And back to square one", Ella muttered

"Wait, we've get it all wrong, it isn't the space between the pillars... it's the middle pillar", Chloe explained, "it was in Charlie's book, "the Pillar of Balance between the two extremes; between black and white, water and fire, female and male, The Middle Way",

"Sully, give me a hand with this", Nate asked as the two approached the pillar, pushing it forward, the pillar began to move; revealing the crypt entrance they were looking for, Sully lit a torch as Chloe helped Cutter inside, there, both Nate and Ella pushed the pillar back into place

"Looks like we'll have to squeeze through here", Chloe stated, looking at a hole in the wall, making Cutter groan

"Alright, you three go on ahead, I'll help Charlie", Nate said

"Be careful", Ella asked as Nate nodded his head and walked through, only to find another passage; going down the passage, the three began hearing commotion back from the way they came

"Nate", Ella muttered, making her way back, Sully and Chloe following right behind, as they made it back, the three saw Cutter choking Nate

"Cutter", Sully shouted, attempting to throw him off Nate

"Charlie", Chloe called out

"Charlie, stop", Ella shouted, as Sully pulled out his gun, aiming it directly at Cutter

"No", Chloe shouted

"Get back", Sully said

"Don't... Charlie, you're killing Nate, ok, you gotta listen to me, you are killing Nate", Chloe stated, snapping Cutter out of it, and releasing Nate, who was in a coughing fit

"Nate, you alright", Ella asked, kneeling down next to him, as Nate nodded his head, Ella helped him back up onto his feet

"I'm alright, I'm alright", Nate said

"Nate, Nate, Nate, I'm really sorry", Cutter apologized

"We're even", Nate said

"Hold on a sec... you weren't... you weren't gonna shoot me, were ya mate", Cutter asked

"Like a rabid dog", Sully stated

"Wow...", Cutter said

"Let's try this again... I'll go first this time", Nate said, walking forward, Ella following behind him, to make sure he was alright; the others following in after, and reaching the crypt, as everyone was looking around, Sully was filling Cutter in about what just happened, meanwhile Nate and Cutter kept moving forward, finding a way to open another area of the crypt, and finding the knight's tomb

"Is that it", Chloe asked

"Yup, just like the one in France", Sully stated as Nate and Cutter opened the tomb

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