London Underground

Start from the beginning

"Alright, we sneak in, and sneak out, agreed", Ella asked as the group nodded their heads

"Any trouble, you shoot first and ask questions later", Cutter added as everyone walked forward, up to the green garage door, everything was quiet; Nate then climbed up and into the building, later allowing everyone inside, only to see no car inside.

"Does anyone see a car; 'cause I don't see a car", Nate said

"I don't understand", Chloe said

"Are you sure this is the right one", Cutter asked

"Yes, the green door, I'm sure of it", Chloe stated

"Trail got slightly warm, look at this", Ella said, shining her flashlight onto tire tracks on the floor, the prints were fresh, as Nate walked forward, he stepped on something, the floor sank a bit

"Hey, check this out", Nate called out as everyone gathered around, there, Nate put the pieces together, "four tires, four points of contact, Sully, stand right there, you two, back there",

"Jump on three, one two three", Ella said as the four jumped, but nothing was still working; until Nate shined his flashlight over the wall

"Nate, stop, shine your light on the wall in front of you again", Ella asked as Nate did exactly as she said, revealing their missing step

"Headlights, Sully, aim your flashlight at the wall", Nate asked as he did exactly what Nate said, and to everyone's surprise, a wall opened up, revealing a secret pathway

"Well, abra-goddamn-cadabra...", Sully said in shock

"Nate, Ella, just who are we dealing with here", Chloe asked

"There's only one way to find out", Nate said, Nate, Ella, Sully, and Cutter entered to track down the car as Chloe stayed behind in the van; Cutter and Sully began bickering as Nate and Ella kept eyes out, Marlowe's men were patrolling around the area, climbing around the sewers, the four finally reached an old church-like structure underground, and found Marlowe's car.

"What kinda place is this", Sully asked

"I've never seen anything like it", Cutter said, the two looking around, "this stonework",

"Looks like Tudor, 16th century", Nate said

"Come on, we're close", Ella said as the four walked up the stairs and carefully peered over the railing, many different things were in the room, artefacts, weapons, etc.

"Seriously, who are these people", Cutter asked

"I'm not interested in your excuses", Marlow stated, the four quickly ducking back into cover, but keeping a close eye on the three below, "he was a loose cannon and you should have known",

"Yes, it is regrettable", Talbot began

"Not regrettable, sloppy", Anne sneered

"She's right, your poor judgement could have cost us everything", Marlowe stated, opening a box and taking Drake's astrolabe out

"You ready, friend", Anne asked, holding the ring out to Marlowe

"Four hundred years of searching, finally, Drake's secret will be revealed", Marlowe stated, grabbing the ring, as she attempted to put it into the astrolabe; the ring wouldn't fit, "what is this",

"I don't understand", Talbot said as Marlowe examined the ring, both Nate and Ella sharing a smile

"It's a forgery", Marlowe stated

"What... that's not possible, I verified it myself...", Talbot stated, examining the ring once again, "this isn't the ring",

"Clearly", Anne sneered as Marlowe took the fake ring back

"I held it in my hands, I saw the girl put it around his neck, this doesn't make any sense", Talbot stated as Marlowe performed the same trick Ella had done to her long ago, there, the pieces clicked together

"We've been duped", Marlowe said

"Cutter", Talbot said as Marlowe nodded her head

"Looks like your daughter is a sneaky little thief", Marlowe said

"She always found a way out of sticky situations, thanks to her, I was rotting away in prison for the last 21 years", Anne stated in anger

"Stand guard and stay alert, we may have been followed; find them, and bring me that ring, I don't care how you get it", Marlowe ordered as the three left the room, Marlowe's men following behind them

"Quite the operation they've got going on here", Sully stated as everyone gathered around the table, Drake's astrolabe was still there; right before Nate could use Drake's ring, his attention was turned to a book on the table

"What are you...", Sully began

"My god, do you know what this is", Nate asked

"It's a book, mate, we're in a library", Cutter stated

"It's not just any book wise-ass, belonged to T.E. Lawrence, you know, Lawrence of Arabia", Nate stated

"Seriously", Ella said, swiping the book from Nate's hands, and looking through

"I know who he is", Cutter said as Nate grabbed the book back from Ella, setting it down on the table for everyone to see

"Look at this, mailed from Dorset on the day of his motorcycle accident, May 13th, 1935", Ella stated, "they must've killed him once they got their hands on it",

"They", Sully asked

"Yeah, they, they, them, whoever these people are", Nate said, backing up Ella

"It was an accident", Cutter stated

"Witnesses saw a black car run him off the road", Nate defended, this soon led to the bickering between Nate and Cutter; luckily, Sully was able to get them out of it, and finally, Nate was able to use Drake's ring on the astrolabe

"Ok, here we go", Nate said, pulling out his journal and handing a pen to Ella to write, "L... O... H... D... N...",

"Well then... it's... Long Hidden", Ella stated

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