Not Normal- Version 2 :)

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Note: This is the almost exactly the same AU as the last 'Not 'Normal'', just with some differences :D

A/N: Sorry this took longer to write, but it's here now and if I see anyone thinking this is more than platonic/ brotherly, then I will delete your comment/ block you :)


Tommy & Wilbur's friendship/ family/ brotherly relationship

SBI Family Dynamic

High school AU

Ace Biromantic!Tommy (& mentioned trans!Tommy)

Tommy's POV:

Not being cis was kind of a normal thing in our household and amongst mine, Will's and Techno's friends. Personally I have known I was trans from a young age, it took Will, Techno and our friends a lot longer to find themselves but they did eventually! Techno is genderfluid, they use he/she/they and Will is a demiboy and he uses he/they!!

In terms of sexuality, I don't really ever think about it too often, I mean, like I've always liked girls but I don't think thats the only gender I like, but I don't really know what to call myself because if I like girls I'm not gay, not that theres anything wrong with being gay. In terms of sexuality, I've never really asked Will about his, but my dad is straight and Techno has made it very clear that he is Aromantic and Asexual.

3rd Person POV:

It was about 1am on a Monday night, while most school kids would be asleep by now, or possibly awake, tying to finish that one math project they forgot about, Tommy was lying awake in bed questioning his sexuality (same tho-).

Tommy's POV:

I wanted to talk to someone about this, but I didn't know who to talk to, because dad is straight and Tech is aroace and probably wouldn't understand, so I guess Will was my only other option. I got out of bed and slowly headed to Will's room and softly knocked on the door when I got there.

Wilbur's POV:

It was about 1am when I heard a soft knocking on my door. "Who the hell is knocking on my door at this time?" I thought to myself. Hesitantly, I got up to answer the door, thinking that it was probably Phil or Techno, but when I opened the door, there stood my youngest brother, Tommy.

Tommy's POV:

Wilbur walked me in through his door, closing it behind him, then he motions for me to sit on his bed. Quietly I made my way to the bed, sat down, and then took a deep breath in. "So, what do you need at 1am in the morning?" Wilbur started. "Well," I started, "I've always liked girls Will, but now I think I like boys too, but I'm not sure cause I still like girls, so I can't be gay Will, but I like boy's so I don't think I'm straight either."

Wilbur's POV:

"Tommy," I said softly, as to not spook him, "Thank you for telling me, but you know there are other sexualities then just gay or straight." He looked up at me with tears in his eyes, and my heart broke at the sight. My little brother had probably been internalizing this for a while.

Pulling him into my side, I explained to him what bisexuality was. He thought for a second before talking, "I think thats me, except the sexual attraction- I think I feel more like- romantic attraction." he told me. "Thats biromantic, it's basically bisexual, but romantic instead of sexual." I said. He nodded and yawned, "I think thats what I am, but I'm too tired to think now." he whispered. Picking Tommy up and placing him in my bed, I kissed his forehead and whispered "Goodnight little brother." before going back to my desk, and finishing my math homework.

A/N: This in no way is trying to speculate around Tommy, Wilbur or Techno's sexuality or gender identity, these are characters and not the content creators :D

-Bee <3

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