(unfinished)IRL Tommy and Tubbo

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Nothing special as it's irl, but I need to practice writing irl stuff for my english class.


Tommy's POV:

I had just ended my stream and I was still on a call with Wilbur. "So Tommy? You and Tubbo are meeting up again?" he asked. I nodded in excitement. "Yeah, he's going to be here in about and hour and a half, he messaged me halfway through my stream!" Wilbur nodded and we continued chatting for about half an hour.

"Alright Big Man, I'm going to go now, so I can get ready for Tubbo to get here." I told him, we said our goodbyes, and disconnected from out call. Picking up my phone I called Tubbo, "Tommy? What's up man?" he greeted. "Nothing much, just excited to see you in an hour!" he waited a second to respond, "Oh yeah, about that, I'm about 20 minutes away..." he said. "Oh. Thats fine, I'll see you soon then yeah?" I said hanging up the call once we said goodbye. It took me a couple of seconds to process what Tubbo said, and I looked around my room, 'I have to clean this up quickly...'.

When Tubbo got here, we went upstairs to my room, and he looked around for a second before his eyes landed at my bed, "You still have the bee plush I gave you?" he questioned. I blushed in embarrassment, "WE YEAH WHY WOULDN'T I?" I yelled defensively

A/N: I'm going to leave this one unfinished, mainly because this was practice, and I've finished doing this kind of writing for my english class , I also really don't like writing this kind of stuff, but I had to post something, also hopefully there will be a new chapter this week, you can leave suggestions if you want! 

-Ace :D

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