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"How's your assignment going Jane?"

"Ugh, it's been giving me headaches all week."

Jeff Bronson smiled sympathetically for his new partner. New on the job and already been given a complex case. One so twisted and topsy-turvy it could be mistaken as a cruller. 

"I still can't believe they gave the case for you alone."

"Well, the case was technically closed already. They was certain that they caught the right guy. Me questioning him was just a formality I guess."

"Then? Why are you so troubled?"

"Coz what he told me doesn't match the profile. Based on the way the victims were killed, they formulate that the killer would be emotionless. That he killed because he is compelled to kill. An animalistic urge to conquer if you will. This guy, I mean, I dunno."

"Could he be lying? The profile also state that he'd be good at mastering and portraying emotions. That's how he tricked them doesn't it?"

"Yeah but.." she went for a sip of her tea, "This guy seems wrong for the case, you know. I don't know what it is."

"Wow, if you're correct then it is amazing. One assignment and already you develop an instinct? That's incredible."

Jane smacked his left arm. "Shut up. I'm just saying, that's how I feel talking to him all month. I gotta examine the evidence and think about it."

"Well you better think fast. Chief Rawthorn is heading your way."

Jane looked at his unit chief coming. Dreading the multitude of new headaches that will fall onto her temple.


Jane scanned the room of her unit chief. Her eyes went past frames upon frames of  awards and achievements, all the books on psychology, and then she saw the board on Boone's case. Her case. Her roaming eyes snapped back forward when Chief Rawthorne spoke.

"I've read your report, agent Dawson."
"Is there anything wrong sir?"
"Why didn't you report the case as closed!?"
"Umm, because we still didn't know if he's the actual culprit."
"Are you kidding me Jane? He did it. He's there. At the exact time and place. What more do you need?"
"Something's not right sir. I don't know what it is. It just feels like we're missing something."
"Dammit Jane! What is this you're trying to do. Is it the guilt for your father's sins?"

Jane shot up from her chair. Eyes burning with rage, fist curled up and hardened. One leap forward and her fist could reach chief Rawthorne's nose. Fortunately that did not happen. Instead, her words were like warning. Or a threat.

"Please. Do not include my dead father in this. This has nothing to do with him. I just wanted the chance to do my job properly!"

The chief let out an exasperated sigh."I'm sorry. Please, seat down."

When Jane finally took her seat again, he spoke, carefully this time.
"Again, I'm sorry for bringing your dad. But there is a reason I'm bringing him up. And I will speak frankly. The higher ups don't trust you Jane. They don't want the killer's daughter in this unit, catching killers. That kind of irony does not look good for the press."

Jane wanted to say something, but he held up his hands to stop her. "I understand you still wanted to follow the proper steps. But I would hate to see a bright agent gets taken down because of politics. That's why, when you got here at the same time we caught that bastard, I thought I should just put you in charge and let you finish the case. Raise your reps up in here. That's the only way to dissuade people from bringing up your past."

Jane and her boss said nothing for a while. Both are trying to gauge each other's point of view. Both hated to admit that the other point of view is also correct.

Finally Jane relent. "I will conclude the case report." Her boss premature smile quickly disappeared when she resume her sentence, " but, I wanted two weeks."
"For what?"
"I wanted to reexamine the case. All the evidence. The location. The victimology. Everything. When I am satisfied that there is no other possible way, that there is no other possible suspect, then I'll conclude the case."

Chief Rawthorne thought for a while. Two more weeks huh? It won't matter anyway. A fresh look at the case could absolve all doubt on the suspect. Even stronger statements to write for the media too.
"What the hell, fine. Take your two weeks. But, after two weeks, you must hand in the final report."
"Yes sir."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2021 ⏰

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