Chapter 13

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"I am sorry, ye ken. An'... I ken neither of ye have the right to take me in hand until after the Circle Dance, but... I feel so guilty about everythin'. Please will ye both punish me for what I did?" she asked. They were all in Hugh's cottage to get some privacy from their parents.

Steen thought about this for a moment, and beside him, he saw Hugh nod with a serious expression on his face.

"Aye. But only if ye agree it goes the way we decide," Hugh replied.

Steen added, "If you have this punishment, ye'll have nae control over how we punish ye, or how long we punish ye for. Just ken ye'll be forgiven afterwards, and loved, and there will be no ill will borne between us."

"I agree. Please. It will make me feel better tae square things up between us."

"Very well. Remove all your clothing, and stand in the corner while we plan your punishment."

Lucy obediently began unfastening her dress.

"I want tae take my belt tae her bottom after she gave herself away tae the bloody sea," Hugh murmured.

Lucy finished with her dress and went to stand in the corner. From where he sat, on Hugh's bed, Steen admired Lucy's deliciously plump rear.

"I intend tae give her quite the belting, too, for that, and for having the audacity to use me as the stakes in a bet."

"So we're agreed," Hugh said. Steen nodded. "Ye can start, Steen."

Steen regarded his beautiful intended wife.

"Ye took your life in your hands with'oot considering anyone else who cared aboot ye."

"I'm sorry."

"I should hope so. And how do ye think I felt when ye bet me like some sort of object?" he asked.

Lucy cringed slightly. Good. The lass could do with a healthy dose of remorse after what she had done.

"Angry?" she guessed.

"Nae, not angry. I'm disappointed you think our relationship means so little ye frittered me away like I was a horse or somethin'. Ye did it at the shore, as well. Ye just promised yourself tae the sea without even considering how I or Hugh might feel if ye did such a thing."

"Aye, and I'm displeased aboot it, too," Hugh added. "If we dance together tomorrow night, ye have tae understand we're a trio, and ye cannae simply make decisions like that, which affect all of us, withoot all of us havin' a say aboot it."

"I'm usin' my belt because, aside from betting me tae Millie, ye also nearly got taken by the sea. We almost lost ye."

"Aye, and I intend tae punish ye for tryin' tae give yourself tae the sea, too," Hugh said. "Ye mean so much tae both of us, ye are not allowed tae make life-or-death decisions with'oot talking tae us first."

"Get over my knee, lassie, it's time for a warm-up spanking," Steen said, shifting his position slightly on the bed so she had the space to do it. Lucy turned around. Limping slightly, she walked to him with her eyes downcast. She climbed over his knee without complaint.

"Can I just remind ye how sorry I am?" she said, as her chestnut hair tumbled down to the floor.

"Aye. And can I just remind ye how worried we both were when the sea tried tae take ye?" Steen countered.

"Indeed," Hugh added.

Steen circled her generous rear with the palm of his hand. Her skin was so soft, he wanted to spend all day kneading it. But this wasn't the time to get aroused. He wrapped one arm around her waist, protectively, raising his other hand from her cheeks. He brought it down swiftly, in a flurry of swats to her sit-spot, holding her tighter with his other arm as he felt her shake and wriggle.

Wedded to the Highlanders by Katie DouglasWhere stories live. Discover now