Chapter 11

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"Are ye ready?" Steen asked.

"There's only one way tae find oot," she replied.

"Very well." The men looked at one another.

"I want her pussy," Steen said.

"Good. Then I get her rear," Hugh replied.

"Ye ken it'll be almost impossible, today," Steen pointed out.

"Aye, but I can wait. In the meantime, she's got a beautiful mouth and I've already touched her silky, soft back passage with my finger. I ken what I want and I'm willing to take it slow."

"Pleeeeease..." Lucy moaned, not caring who did what as long as someone filled her before she spontaneously combusted.

Hugh moved to her head, and stroked her hair, as Steen straddled her. "This is going tae be uncomfortable, as he's going tae stretch ye more than ye've ever been stretched in your life, but I ken ye can handle it. Ye were made for this, lass."

His gentle words were accompanied by a kiss. Steen caressed her breasts once more, then he pinched her nipples, hard, and she gasped.

"Only think about the pleasure, lass, and it'll be easier," Steen coaxed, and she felt the tip of his thick cock against her opening. When he pressed into her, she bit back a scream as it felt as though she were being split in two. How could this possibly be what she wanted? The pain seemed overwhelming. He'd told her to think about the pleasure, but there wasn't any... was there? Through the haze of the too-stretched feeling, she felt the residual throbbing in her nipples from where he'd pinched them. She tried to pay attention to the tingling sensation as it surged through her body and pooled in her core. He slid back out of her and she felt sweet relief until he buried himself in her again. Her mouth contorted into an "O" as the tip of his cock pressed against something sensitive, and she was about to tell him to stop, but her whole body did something very strange: Where there had been pain, there was now only pleasure. She still felt far too stretched, but it seemed to fill her entire body with a lusty heat like she had never imagined. Where she'd been close to tears, now she moaned.

"That's it lassie. You're doing well," Hugh murmured into her ear, as he continued stroking her hair. She was glad he was there, because his presence was reassuring. When she'd been doing naughty things with Steen behind the whisky store, she had enjoyed it, but there had also been a nagging sense in the back of her mind that something was missing; someone was missing. She needed both men together at the same time to ever truly be satisfied. It was so clear, now.

And she had agreed with Millie Woodward, unless Lucy sold more cakes at the bake sale, she must find a reason to end things with Steen, and let Millie have her chance. Oh, she felt so stupid for ever agreeing to such a thing, now.

How could she ever be happy without both men? It would be like going through life with only one arm or one leg.

Lucy gazed lovingly at Steen, and she smiled softly. Would this be the last time they got to do anything like this? His shaft stretched her in every direction, as he ploughed into her with powerful strokes, and she felt a tightness and heat drawing into her core.

Abruptly, he stopped.

"Ye should take both of us at the same time, lassie." Steen's deep voice was breathy as he pulled out of her, leaving her pouting on the forest floor.

"But I thought you both decided I wasn't ready to take Hugh in my rear?"

"Aye, and the decision still stands," Hugh growled. They helped manoeuvre her onto her hands and knees, with her legs slightly parted, making it easy for her to keep the weight off her ankle, and she felt Steen position his cock at her hungry entrance again. She sighed deeply in pleasure as he pressed into her once more.

Wedded to the Highlanders by Katie DouglasWhere stories live. Discover now