"THIS IS SO GOOD!" Lonnie said shoving her face with food

"Yes it is but we don't want u to choke Lonnie" Adora said laughing

"Oh adora what did u want to tell us?" Catra asked leaning on adoras shoulder

"Yeah that's the whole reason we're here right?" Scorpia said adora opened her mouth to say something but no words came out. She still couldn't do it even tho she had been stalling this whole time she wasn't ready.

"Uhh I'll tell u guys outside" Adora said getting up and walking out of the food court down the escalator and outside the mall and all her friends were behind her 'ok u can do this adora! Just tell them! They won't be mad I mean what's the worst that could happen' she thought to herself

~Adoras thoughts~

"I have to go back to my kingdom!" She said

"WHAT! ARE U KIDDING ME!" Scorpia yelled

"Adora Ur really gonna leave me? IM UR GIRLFRIEND!"

"N-no it's not like that u guys can come with!"

"NO! We don't want to be pretty pink princesses like u" netossa said

"yeah u were probably not even our real friend! U are so fake!" SPINNY said

"N-no no it's not like that I swear!"

"Oh come on adora! U can't fool us we k is u never really loved us"

"AM I JUST A JOKE TO U ADORA?" Catra yelled

"Ugh let's get out of here guys.. clearly she was a fake friend to begin with were never talking to u EVER" glimmer said then they all walked off

~end of adoras thoughts~

'Right that's the worse that can happen...'



"Adora!" Catra said waving a hand infront of Adoras face

"U ok babe u zoned out for a while" catra said looking concerned

"No I'm uh I'm fine" Adora said

"Soo what is it u wanted to tell us adora?" Sea hawk asked

"Umm well... there's not really any easy way to say this but uhh-.... I ha-" adora said but she cut herself off she felt like she couldn't breathe

"Adora what's wrong?" Glimmer asked


"Are u sure?"

"Y-yeah I just need to go sit down over there Uhh be right back! Lonnie could u come with me?" Adora asked

"Yeah sure be right back guys!" Lonnie said and followed adora to the bench once they got there and sat down adora started crying

"Hey adora what's wrong" Lonnie asked

"I-I have to go back Lonnie! And I don't know how to tel them! There gonna hate me and Catras not gonna want to be my girlfriend anymore!-"

Undercover जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें