The dream

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Adoras POV:

I woke up in my bed in the castle...'how did I get here?' I thought to myself then she walked into the door

"M-mom?" I said tearing up

"Oh adora!" Mara said running over to me and hugging me "look how much you've grown! U look just like ur father" she said laughing

"Mom wha- how-?" I asked then my dad walked in

"There's my girl!!" He said running over to me and hugging me

"Dad..." I said quietly

"Adora hunny.. we miss u so so much..." she said putting her forehead on mine "but u need to go back..." she said

"Wh-what do u mean! No I want to stay here with u guys!!" I said crying

"We know u do baby... but u can't.." she said moving her head away from mine

"We are very proud of u..." she said

"But what's up with u and that catra girl" dad said smirking and shoving me a bit

"we're kinda dating she's gonna rule the kingdom with me!" I said "ur not disappointed right?" I asked

"Oh hunny of course we're not! We could never be disappointed in u. U make us proud every day adora.. we watch over u never forget that.. in a way we're always with u.." dad said

"Yeah we're always gonna be with u baby.. even when u feel so alone you'll always have us.." mom said

"Th-thanks guys I love u" I said hugging them

"We love u to baby" dad said Then we got out of the hug

" but u need to hurry... got through that door it should take u to ur next dream.. and here I want to give u This" mom said then she took the necklace off her and gave it to me it was a locket

"It has a picture of alll of us together.. so whenever u want to talk to us or just want to see us u have the locket" mom said

"Thanks mom"

"No problem baby I love u.."

"I love u guys to!" I said

"GO GET EM!" Dad yelled and I laughed then I walked through the door and everything went black..

Catras POV:

It's been about 3 months since the fight.. Adoras 19th birthday is coming up in about 2 weeks.. let's hope she doesn't miss it..well anyways the guards and maids helped us clean the mess from the battle so after we were done with that I went to go visit adora

"Hey adora" I said walking over to her and I held her hand "these months have been crazy! We cleaned up all the damage so ur place is nice and clean now" I said I tried not to cry but I couldn't help but tear up I hated seeing adora like this.. then Lonnie came in

"Oh hey catra I didn't know u we're here I can leave if u wa-"

"No it's ok u can stay.." I said

"Thanks" she said walking next to me

"Y'know she'll be ok right?" Lonnie said

"Yes I know I'm just scared..."

"It's ok catra... she's gonna be ok I know it!" She said giving me a warm smile which I returned. 'Please wake up soon love..' I thought to myself

Adoras POV:

When I opened my eyes I woke up in a bed 'where am I??' I thought to myself

"BEST FRIENDS SQUAD AMBUSH!!!" They yelled barging into my room  they all looked older tho...

"U ok love?" Catra asked putting a hand on my shoulder

"Yeah yeah I'm fine" I said smiling at her

"Good!" She said then she kissed me. Then she pulled away and gave me a note it said 'wake up'

"What-?" I asked no one in particular

"Adora u have to wake.up!" Glimmer said

"This isn't real baby..." catra said

"Come adora u can do this just lay down and think of waking up.." bow said pushing me down

"Ok..?" I said then I closed my eyes I thought over and over about waking up. I thought about catra and all my friends and then there was a blinding white light so I went towards it

After I went through everything went dark again.

Glimmers POV:

Me bow Lonnie catra Angella and Micah were in the  infirmary  with adora. We were just talking and telling story's about adora

" One time me and adora were playing around in the castle when we were like 5 and I got hurt so adora tried to cheer me up by pretending to be a clown and then she ran into a wall" Lonnie said laughing

"That sounds like such an adora thing to do honestly" catra said

"She actually did that?" Angella asked and we all laughed

"Yup and I've got the stitches to prove me" Adora said smiling

"OMG ADORA!" Glimmer yelled then teleported to her and gave her a hug then everyone got up and joined them

"Hi guys" Adora said as we all got out the hug

"I have a very important question." She said

"What?" I asked

"What day is it?" She asked and we all laughed

"That's ur first question" micah said wiping his tears

"Well yeah!" Adora said

"It's July 10th" Lonnie said

"OOOO my birthdays in 3weeks!!"

"It's in 2weeks love"

"Eh same difference" she said shrugging

"So how do u feel?" Bow asked

"Honestly I feel great!" She said

"Well thats good the doctors said u are free to leave if u felt any better waking up" Angella said

"Ok then lets go!! I just gotta go to my room and change" Adora said

"Ok call us if u need anything" micah said then him Angella bow glimmer and Lonnie left

"Shall we?" I said

"We shall" she said smiling

(Time skip)

"Wow u guys really took care of everything huh?" Adora asked

"Yea pretty much!"

"Well u did a great job" Adora said looking around the  room

"Oh and by the way I forgot to mention that we roommates now" I said plopping on the bed

"fine by me" Adora said kissing me on the cheek

"So what do u want to do now?" I asked

"Well first! We have to go to our coronation!" Adora said sitting up and smiling g

"Isn't that when we become queens?" I asked

"Yes!!" She said smiling wider but I looked down

"Do u not want to?" And asked

"No no I want  to! It's just kinda a lot" I said

"Well we don't have to do it NOW. It takes a while to plan anyway and we've got a lot of time" adora said getting under the blanket and I followed

"Yeah we do"

"Night catra"

"Night adora" I said then I kissed her on the cheek and cuddled with her Until I fell  asleep

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