Taking back whats mine

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Tw:shadow weaver,blood,fights,mention of killing,knifes, ugly hag witch thing.
Also this chapter is gonna be  longer  soooooo enjoy!


Catras POV:

When I woke up I felt Cold  metal on my wrist and I was laying on a floor so I sat up and tried to move my arms but they didn't budge I looked back and saw chains on my wrist
'Great' I thought to myself I looked around and saw adora Lonnie glimmer and bow they also all had chains on them but adora had more chains on her then we did most likely Bc she has powers But anyway Glimmer was awake and so was Lonnie but adora and bow were out cold.

"Glimmer Lonnie!" I said

"Oh catra ur awake! Thank God" glimmer said

"Are u all ok?" Lonnie asked

"Yeah I am"

"Me to" glimmer said

"I am to but when are bow and adora gonna wake up!!" Lonnie said 

"I don't know let's just hope there up soon tho..." glimmer said looking worried then right on cue bow started to slowly wake up

"OMG BOW! Are u ok?" Glimmer asked

"Yea babe I'm-im fine.. well except for y'know  being trapped in a cage but for the most part I'm ok!" He said sitting up "and theres chains to! Great!" He said sarcastically then he looked at adora

"*gasp* IS SHE DEAD!" He yelled

"NO!! She's fine! I think..." Lonnie said

"Come on babe wake up..please." I said looking down at adora but nothing happened she kept laying there... it almost looked like she was dead... so I quickly looked at her chest and saw it was still moving up and down and I let out a sigh of relief

"All we have to do now is wait for adora to wake up" Lonnie said

"Yeah but I'm sure she's fine! I mean this is adora we're talking about  after all" bow said

"Yeah ur right! She's gonna be ok!" I said trying to convince myself. It wasn't working to well-

(Time skip)

After a while of waiting and talking about y'know whatever adora FINALLY woke up

"Adora!!" Glimmer said facing adora we all looked over at her and to our surprise she was awake!! Sitting up looking a bit confused

"Adora are u ok!?"  Lonnie asked. But then adora started laughing literally just out of nowhere but it wasn't her normal joyful laugh it was kinda like a sarcastic evil laugh type thing

"I'm here in MY OWN prison how ironic" she said still doing the same laughing. But then she stopped

"Adora are u ok?" Lonnie asked agian

"Yup just peachy!" She said

"Ahh looks like our guest have woken up" shadow weaver said

"What do u want" Lonnie asked

"Nothing from u guys I just needed to tell azora something"

"And that is?" Adora asked

"That ur pathetic. And so we're ur parents they couldn't even fight me off and now you'll suffer the same exact fate as them" she said. I could FEEL her smirk through her mask

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