Mall time!

426 19 49

No ones pov:

Everyone was sleeping peacefully in there beds.. all except one person and her name was glimmer. Glimmer was wide awake before everyone else was so she decided to wake them!

"WAKE UP!!!!" Glimmer yelled banging on Adora door then Lonnies  door then catras door

"Ughh seriously sparkles" catra said opening her door

"Yes really! Go get dressed we're going to the mall!" Glimmer said pushing  catra back into her room

"Glimmer why!" Lonnie said walking up to her

"Because. We're going to the mall! Now go get dressed!" Glimmer said

"Ok ok"

"Adora??" Glimmer said knocking on her door there was no response

"Adoraaaaa?" Glimmer said again then she opened the door and found adora still sleep

"Hmm... ADORAAA WAKE UPPPPP" glimmer yelled but adora didn't wake up

"Oh I should probably tell u when Adora is sleep she is knocked OUT till her body decided to wake her" Lonnie said out of no where

"Oh- ok then we'll her body better wake her up fast" glimmer said walking out of her room

"Are u all dressed!"

"Yes sparkles" catra said walking downstairs

"Wheres bow?" Lonnie asked

"He's downstairs come on let's go down with them" glimmer said as her and Lonnie both walked downstairs

"Hey wheres adora?" Catra asked

"Why u miss her?"

"N-no!" Catra said blushing

"Mhmm well she's still sleep" glimmer said 

"How long does that girl sleep!" Bow said

"Till her body wakes her apparently" Lonnie said

(Time skip)

Eventually adora came downstairs

"Finally adora! Now go get dressed!" Bow said

"What why?"

"We're going to the mall princess" catra said

"Ohhh right"

"U can borrow some of my clothes!" Glimmer said

"Ok ok be right back!" Adora said despite having her outfits picked out for her her whole life adora had a pretty good sense of fashion

(Another time skip)

After adora was finished getting dressed they all got into glimmers car and started driving to the mall

"Are u guys excited!?" Bow asked

"Not as excited as u to" catra said while laughing

"That is correct!" Glimmer said "AND we're here!!"

"Wow this place is almost as big as the castle" Adora said looking at the mall

"There supposed to be huge! That way a bunch of stores can fit in it!" Bow said

"Huh?" Lonnie asked

"Here lemme show u come on!" Bow said as they all walked into the mall

"See there are different stores in one place!" Bow said

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