"Please just tell me where we are going. You can be taking me someplace to kill me." I say and Shawn let's out a small chuckle. "And why would I kill you?" He asked and I shrug. He pulls out his phone and hands me one of the earbuds to listen to music. He played Chains by Nick Jonas. Shawn quietly sang along to Nick Jonas as I rested my head on his shoulder as he sang along with the song.

"I missed you so much." Shawn says and I smiled up at me. "I never thought someone like u could have such a positive influence on me." I say and he smiles down at me. "What do you mean by that?" He asks while playing with my hair. "Let's just say Cam was right, I do need someone like you in my life." I smile and he kisses my forehead. "Can we try us again?" I ask and he nods his head.

I missed him so much. I needed Shawn in my life, he's a good influence and one of the best boyfriends I've ever had. He treats me like a princess and makes me feel better about myself.

After a while of driving we arrived at a small park. "Shawn what are we doing here?" I asked as we got out of the uber. The park had a little play area for children and a small picnic area. We walked to a bench that was in front of a small pond with ducks swimming in it. "This is the park I use to come to as a kid. I have a lot of interesting memories here." He says looking around the small park. "Tell me some." I say wanted to hear some of his stories.

Shawn looks at a tree and smiles. "I use to climb up that tree with Aaliyah all the time. One time we climbed up the tree and I guess I loss my balance and fell out of the tree. I hit my head pretty hard and I had a concussion." He says before looking around the park. "Tell me more." I say interested in his childhood stories. "There are plenty of stories I can share." He says before looking around some more before deciding on a story to share.

"I was riding my bike past the lake and there was a rock or something. The bike ended up flying forward and I fell off, I rolled into the lake where a bunch if ducks were. They ended up chasing me out of the pond." Shawn said and I couldn't help but laugh. "You were a clumsy kid weren't you?" I asks and he nods his head.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me off the bench dragging me to the swing set. "Let me guess. You fell off of these before too." I say and he laughs. "Actually Aaliyah has before. She was swinging to high." Shawn says before taking a seat on one of the swings. I sit down on the other and slowly rock back and forth.

It was quiet between us. The only noise you could hear was the occasional car driving by and the trees moving from all the wind. The sun was setting and it was getting colder than it was earlier. Shawn grabbed my hand as we rocked back and forth. The sun was setting behind the hill with houses. After an hour of walking around the park and talking we decided to get something to eat.

We walked to a nearby Dairy Queen. Shawn went to order some food while I sat down at a table. Shawn came back with the food and we sat and ate our food. "Do you mind meeting my parents tonight? If you don't that's okay, I just wanted to see my family before we go back to the U.S." He says sorta hesitantly. "I don't mind. Plus I want to meet your little sister." I say with a smile on my face.

Honestly I'm so scared to meet Shawn's family. What if they don't like me? After all I'm not the best role model.

"Skyler you don't have to if you don't want to." He says. "Shawn it's fine I'll go." I say with a smile. He probably sees right through me. "Are you sure?" He asks and I nod.

We arrived at Shawn's house. He unlocked the door and we walked into the house. A girl with brown hair and brown eyes was sitting on the couch when we walked in, I'm guessing she's Aaliyah. She looked towards the door then back at the tv. "Hi Shawn." She says not really caring that Shawn was back. "What no hug?" He asks and she shakes her head no still paying attention to the Tv. "Why?" Shawn whines jumping on the couch next to his sister. "Cause you've only been gone for three days, your acting like it's been five months." She says sarcastically. Shawn pulls her into a hug and she hugs him back. Awe sibling goals.

Only You {Shawn Mendes}Where stories live. Discover now