VI. Friends

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Everybody was excited about it. This would be his first win. It was an honor for him.

Everybody expected him to ride with a smile on his face, stop in front of where his wife stood and give her the crown of the Queen of the Love and Beauty. After that everybody would clap their hands...

It's funny to say that's not what happend.

Elisabeth sat near her pregnant sister talking about what they would do about the baby and both of them agreed on keeping him. Lyanna wanted this babe to be boy, not because she didn't want a girl but for him the life she could give was better than a life she could give a girl. He would not be a Stark even if she will try everything in her power, he will be a bastard. Being a boy he could do anything he want, but being a girl she didn't know what could happen.

They stopped talking when they heard the crowd started clapping their hands.

Prince Rhaegar of House Targaryen won.

She was happy that he did. She wanted to think that they could be friends. He seemed a good person, nothing like his father. Someone worth to be king.

"Good for him." she heard her brother say.

The north didn't like the Targaryen, they only tolereted them. And that's exactly what Bran was doing. They can burn for what he would care. But what made him wary was the fact that he did find the prince looking at Elisabeth, many times. Only for that he hated Rhaegar.

She looked at Rhaegar with a smile, a gentle smile. Something that didn't go unnoticed by her sister and the prince. In fact he was looking at her, he wanted to know if she was happy that he won, if she was proud of him. And when he looked at her and saw a gentle but big smile, the same he gave her the two times they talked, he decided he was going to risk everything, because he knew it was worth it. She will not understand at the beginning but he will explain and that was a promise.

Rhaegar rode past his wife.

Every smile, every laugh, the happiness in the air died. Every of them looked at the prince with wide eyes wanting to see who he would crown if not his wife.

Some lady were horrified by that gesture and others thought that they could get a chance in being noticed by him.

But he had the helmet.

Nobody could see who he was serching, who he would chose. When he stopped in front at the Starks gasps were heard. There were only two girls there if it easn't was it was the other.

At that point everybody but her knew who would be crowned, but nobody said anything.

With the spear and the crown on it he pointed Elisabeth of House Stark, bethroed of Robert of House Baratheon.

"I name you Elisabeth of House Stark Queen of Love and Beauty." his voice was solemn, strong and herd, but noy because everybody  was silent but because of the strenght of his voice.

While Elisabeth stood to take the crown, shouting was the only thing that could be heard.

Brandom and Robert because he disrespected house Stark and Baratheon by offering the crown at Elisabeth. And Oberyn of Hause Myrtell because he disrespected his Elia, his sweet sister, the prince's wife.

But none of that was heard by the wolf and the dragon. They couldn't not to look at each other's eyes. Elisabeth didn't want to look at him, she was supposed to be mad at him, he disrespected her, but she couldn't care less about what the other thought of her, maybe he helped her, maybe Robert would back off thinking bad of her, she wished he would do that.

Rhaegar was smiling under the helemet, she didn't refuse the crown, for him that was enough, she didn't refuse him. Maybe he had a chane with her, far away from here. He could help her with Robert...

Thank you she mouthed.

Maybe she understood a little part of what he wanted to do. But that was her do find out or for him to tell her at the right time.

But for that moment they were alone at each other, smiling at each other.

The beginning of a story that nobody would forget.


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