II. I love you no matter what

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Lyarra's voice was the smoothest, she was the gentlest  mother. No matter you were crying, laughing or even bothering she always had a smile on her face with her children, they were the most important thing to her, she would die for them, the most painful death.

Her children adored her, she always tried to bring a smile on their faces. She had a different relationship with any of them but loved the equally. She didn't have preferences.

Brandom was her first son, her first everything, she was still young when she had him so her and Rickard were the most careful with him. When he was a babe he would always cry when his mama wasn't with him. He always seeked her attention, growing up the thing didn't change, he always asked her if she was proud of him, for anything, even the smallest thing, he needed her opinion in the matter.

Eddard was the quiet one, at the beginning she was worried about him since Brandom was very loud but then found out he just liked the silence. He loved when his mother would  hold him , nothing else, he didn't seek her attention only her love. Growing he was always the one to ask her if she was fine or in needing of something. She always thought he would be a great husband.

Lyarra always wanted a daughter. She liked the idea spending time with a girl, choosing dresses, speaking of boys, braiding her hairs in the morning while they would talk. So when Elizabeth was born she was happier than ever. Of course she loved her boys dearly but having a girl was different, the love was the same, but the things her and her daughter would have more things in common, or so she thought. Elizabeth wasn't a lady, since she started walking she would always want to join her brothers in anything. Lyarra watched her daughter wanting to spend time with boys, play their games and wanting to see her daughter happy she always accepted. But Elizabeth also wanted to please her mother so even if she wanted to play in the mud with her brothers she spend hours with her mother braiding her hair and talking about her dreams.

"Mama?" a little and tired Elisabeth asked.

It was early in the morning but Lyarra and Rickard had to leave Winterfell for a couple of weeks and the mother didn't want to leave her little girl without a proper goodbye.

"Hello love." the mother greeted with soft smile.

"What are you doing here so early?"

"Your father and I have to leave for a couple of weeks and I wanted to say goodbye to you."

"No, mama. I don't want you to go."

She already went through this with her sons, they either wanted her to stay or wanted to go with her. But there must always be a Stark in Winterfell and she wanted her children together, protecting and supporting each other.

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