3 - His Checkerboard Scarf

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My sister and I go over to Kaede's house as much as possible. Her parents are sweet, and they love to teach us new things. The Akamatsu family is welcoming and just fun to be around, which is the exact opposite of us Saiharas. Our family is dreary and miserable. That's why Tsumugi and I escape as often as we can.

After school, we immediately walked to Kaede's house. Her parents made us dinner and let us use their game room. We talked and played games to our heart's content and ended the day with a sleepover. The next morning, Tsumugi and I woke up early to return to our house and get ready for school. Luckily, our parents were still asleep. They're always irritated in the morning, so it's best to stay quiet and avoid them until around 1 p.m. It's kind of sad that we have to sneak around in our own home, but it's honestly the least of our concerns. There are much worse things that could be happening in this house.

The sun is just rising by the time Mugi and I finish preparing for the day. We decide to leave early and walk to school instead of inconveniencing Kaede's family for two days in a row. The walk is long, but it's nice to have some time to clear our heads before school.

"I can't wait for Fashion Arts," Tsumugi says to me as we enter the building. "I wouldn't be able to attend a class like that anywhere but an expensive art school! I can't believe it!"

"I'm happy for you," I smile to her. "What do you think it'll be like?"

"Hmm... I doubt they'll let us jump right to using needles and such. Maybe we'll be analyzing the aspects of people's outfits?"

"Analyzing outfits?"

"Yeah! Like this!" Tsumugi steps back and points to her uniform. "My outfit is pretty plain. It's just the normal school uniform, but with a longer skirt and blazer. But look over there!" Tsumugi guides my eyes to the right, where a girl was placing a silver, jewel-encrusted tiara daintily on her long blonde hair. "Her uniform is much more unique than mine. Her skirt has more volume to it, which must be done by a petticoat of some sort. Not to mention the gorgeous jewelry she's wearing!"

Upon hearing Tsumugi's compliment, the student lifts her head and smiles at us. My sister waves back, of course, and encourages me to do the same.

"Ah! Look over here now!" Tsumugi turned me around and points towards a purple-haired boy with bright violet eyes. "I've never seen a uniform modified like that! His uniform is darker than the assigned dark navy blue. It looks purple, almost. And look at all the pins on his blazer! They accent perfectly with his checkerboard scarf! Not to mention the boots he's wearing! They give an alternative, e-boy feeling to the uniform. It's amazing!"

My eyes widen as I take in the outfit. It must've taken a lot of effort to customize it like that. He looks really... nice.

"You look interested, Shuichi!" Tsumugi exclaims, pulling me in. "Wanna go talk to him? I'm sure you could get some good tips on modifying your own uniform!"

"W-What?!" I jump, startled. "I can't! I-It's weird to just go up to him like that! He'll think it's weird that I've been l-looking at him-"

"Really? I don't think so," the blue-haired interrupts. "He's been looking at you for quite some time."


Instinctively, I turn to see if her words were true, but it was no use. He was already gone.

Time skip:
Homeroom (8:00 a.m.)

Class began with no teacher. The bell had rung several times and they were still nowhere to be found.

"Maybe we should go look for them," Kaede suggests to the class.

{HIATUS} You're Perfect for Me" // A Saiouma StoryWhere stories live. Discover now