5 - The Mind of a Criminal

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Kokichi Ouma
Birthday: June 21st
Title: SHSL Supreme Leader
School: Hope's Peak Academy
Organization: D.I.C.E.


When you're a Supreme Overlord of evil, you tend to pick up habits people wouldn't consider normal. That's perfect... exactly what you need to do! And they come in handy all the time, especially right now!

I know I'm an observant little menace. I see and know all, and that's why I can view a trio of classmates staring me down from the other side of the class! I watch them from the corner of my eye, ensuring that my awareness is unnoticeable. Sometimes I wonder if I'm too smart for this school...

On the other hand, I consider. Why is that group looking at me so... intensely? I didn't piss them off, did I?? I don't think I've really talked to them, except for... oh, right! The detective!

Maybe he was suspicious of my Ultimate! A situation like that would be too perfect... imagine the thrill of having an Ultimate Detective on your trail! That'd be so much fun~! But unfortunately, I can't afford to be monitored by anyone right now. It would definitely get in the way of D.I.C.E.'s big plans... what can I do to throw him off??

I continue to watch the group until the first bell rings, signifying ten minutes until school begins. Leaving after the detective could give the impression that I'm stalking him-- which I technically am-- so I decide to leave early so I don't draw any more suspicion. After yesterday's failed plan, he must think I'm insane!

I approached him with the intent of befriending him in order to keep an eye on him without having to sneak around all the time, but for some reason I couldn't go through with it. As soon as we made eye contact, my mind went blank.

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Flashback: Kokichi's POV
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He turned around, startled. "Gah-! H-How long have you been there....?"

"Not long," I repied. "Are you okay?"

"...Yeah, I'm fine." The detective smiled, but wasn't not enough to fool me. I knew it was fake... he was lying.

"You're sure?" I asked, examining him closely. "You look kinda sick." His eyes drifted away from mine, filling me with a foreign feeling. A feeling of... longing? Sympathy?

What is this...?!

"I'm heading to the clinic right now," I heard him say as I made my exit. My thoughts were racing and all memory of my plan had disappeared. All I could think about is the strange emotion I felt when the detective's attention wasn't on me. Wasn't that exactly what I want? Why wasn't my mind cooperating with me?!

Flustered, I rushed to my next class. My plan would have to wait for now...

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Flashback End
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I can't let something like that happen again... I need to figure out what made me blank out like that. Maybe if I observe him even more, I'll be able to understand. I'll never make that mistake again! When I talk to the detective again, I have to make my move and do it well, too. D.I.C.E.'s wellbeing is on the line.

Time skip:
Monday (the next week)...

The detective is the first person I see when I enter the classroom the next morning. He's buried in a journal of some sort, writing quickly and efficiently. I sneak up on him silently, peeking over his shoulder carefully.

I see... it's like a diary, I think to myself, amused. I won't read it too much. Learning his deepest secrets like this would be too easy~!

"What'cha writing, detective?" I break the silence, making him jump in surprise.

"Ah! K-Kokichi!" He slams his journal shut and turns to face me. "You startled me! Good morning..."

"Happy 8:37 to you," I say in response. "What was your name again...?"

"S-Shuichi..." he says hesitantly. I let myself grin. I did extensive research on all of my classmates, learning their Ultimates and tracing their history back to before they were even born! I knew everything about everyone, so this was nothing but a test to see how he would respond to me. Based on his reaction, I can tell he's cautious. He'll be hard to trick.

"Shuichi!! Such an interesting name," I smile to him. "Sooo... what made you wanna come here?"


"To Hope's Peak."

"Ah..." Shuichi pauses, fidgeting with his hands. "Well, it was a good opportunity. So many people encouraged me to take this chance."

"So other people made you want to come here?"

"Well, n-not exactly...!"

I lift an eyebrow expectantly. "I asked about you. What caught your attention?"

The detective breaks eye contact with me, appearing to be lost in thought. Did I overwhelm him? I guess I was moving a bit fast... we don't know each other well enough for me to be asking questions like this. It would be in my best interest to end the conversation here before I draw too much suspicion to myself.

"You don't have to know... or say what you do know," I continue. "Maybe being here will reveal what drew you here in the first place!"

I catch a quick glimpse of a sparkle in Shuichi's eyes as he let his mind relax. "Thank you, Kokichi."

"No problem!" I called over my shoulder as I returned to my seat in the back of the classroom. Shuichi is more sensitive to my words than I thought he'd be. I guess this simply gives me more of a challenge!!

Word count: 893

{DISCONTINUED} You're Perfect for Me" // A Saiouma StoryWhere stories live. Discover now