he knows his past

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Its been a while since i wrote in this story....

Anyways, the rewritten version is out and its called "he knows his past" (pic).

You are free to read (or not) the rewritten version (it has many changes in it) and give me some tipps and/or ideas. I accept kritism and take every single advice given to me in consideration.

There are already 4 chapters out ( and the story is not even at the point where harry isn't a baby anymore, honestly, what have i been doing wrong with my life...?)

The rewritten version is also going to be drarry x *someone* ( its still a secret who and i wont tell) and wbwl. I am planning on making the potters regret ignoring harry and stuff and im also thinking about having harry and his twin have a better relationship than in this story.

Yeah, i really hope that you will read the rewritten version and give tipps and suggestions just like you have done to this story (i am not planning on abbandoning the rewritten version thought)

Bye, loves🤗

wbwl, drarry- he with the avada kedavra green eyes !!!DISCONTINUED!!!Where stories live. Discover now