Chapter 3: The Creeper Starts to Creep (edited)

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Whyyyy did I take communications class this year?! So I won't have to take it in high school and that's one less class I have to pass when I actually do go to high school... damn you brain logic. Hey, at least the leg brace is gone! That's saying nothing to the lingering issues I got from it. Anyway, we're doing filming and editing projects in this class, and I'm partnered with three guys who are complete idiots.

Our topic is fast food and its consequences, and since I'm the only one who knows how to use it, I'm supposed to handle most of the filming...yippee... While we (to be more specific, I was) are working on the editing however, I'm asked to help another group by giving an interview.

Their subject is trends, and what I think about them. I don't bother lying about anything, being completely truthful and stating that I don't care about trends.

(group) "How do you like all the trends that are currently spreading, do you have any specific favorites like shoes or colors or styles? What do you think about trends in general? Do you own a pair of Jordans?"

(Me) "No, I don't own a pair of Jordans. To be completely honest though, no, I don't care at all. I'm not the biggest fan of trends, I mean, I wear the same converse I've been wearing everyday for the past two years for crying out loud. As for my favorite trends, I have none. I don't even keep up with them, nor do I wear them outside of school. Now that's not saying that I judge those who do, because that is their prerogative. They are free to march to the beat of their own drum, just as I am free to do the same. I mean, look at me. It's obvious by the way I wear my hair and the way I dress. Trends just aren't and never were me, but the outdoors and sports are most definitely me. I'm more of a homebody country girl, than an outgoing trendy city girl. I prefer shoes and clothes that will last me through the outdoors while camping, not just make me look trendy until a new trend comes along. In other words, function over fashion all the way for me no matter what. I'm outdoorsy and sporty, and I love to hike. I'm in multiple sports and martial arts. I seriously doubt high heels or designer clothes would last that long in outdoor or rigorous dojo conditions that I'm in everyday."

(Group) "I guess that makes sense, but what about make up?"

(Me) "Heh, same thing with the fashion. Every time I so much as put the tiniest bit of any kind of make up on my face, I break out something fierce. I've tried all the sensitive skin brands, with the same results. Plus, I'm ADHD. I squirm and touch my face as a nervous habit when thinking, and if I was wearing make up, it would lead to me constantly having to reapply whatever I smeared. And again, sports and martial arts. I don't need make up for those, and I prefer not to wear it on a daily basis. It's just how I am, and how I've always been." 

One of the boys in the group smirks at me as I speak, his dark brown eyes roving my body. When I'm about to leave their group and go back to mine, he stops me with his hand on my shoulder.

I stop in my tracks, eyeing him warily as I cross my arms across my chest protectively. He smirks again, "Never change your style Clarice, you're perfect just the way you are. In fact, I don't care that you wear the same converse everyday, they totally suit you. March to the beat of your own drum, and I'll march right next to you pounding the same beat. You don't need  anyone to tell you that you're beautiful because you are more beautiful than all of them combined. You are real, and you put everyone else to shame with your beauty." His hand grips my shoulder a bit tighter and his smirk just keeps getting bigger till it looks like it's about to split his face in half.

Okay...tomorrow I'm wearing my mum's Nikes.

I pull away, "Clair, I go by Clair, not Clarice. Clarice is too formal, I'm Clair. C-L-A-I-R, and no E!" He grins, "Clarice suites you better, it's way prettier than Clair. And, are you forgetting that it's your given name?" At this, I scowl, "Of course I haven't forgotten that Clarice is my given name. Call me Clair, don't diss my name, or don't talk to me at all."

He shrugs with yet another smirk, "You don't control me, I can call you Clarice if I want to." I scowl, why must he insist on using my first name?  "Hmmph. So you're going to deny my straightforward request?" He grins and reaches forward to pinch my cheeks, "Of course Clarice! Stop doubting your first name is beautiful!" I groan, "I'm not saying it's not. I don't hate it, because it is my given name. It's nothing more than the fact that Clarice sounds like a name you would give an uptight princess, not a casual down to earth country girl like me. Now if you excuse me, my group needs me." When I look away from him, I notice something bizarre. The kid's standing really close to me, close enough that his body heat is radiating onto my skin, and Liam's eyes are locked on the girl behind me. Hold on, Wait a minute...there's no one behind me, I'm against a wall. Huh.... I guess he's staring at the ridiculously extravagant poster behind me. I mean, what else could it be? He wouldn't look at someone like me. No boy would look at someone like me given my past...

Ohhh, little Clair is a little bit oblivious :) wonder how long till she figures out Liam is staring at her? Hmm... Maybe Liam will try a different tactic ;)

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