Chapter 12: Creepers Go Too Far (edited)

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"No!" My arms cross tightly over my chest, my slowly reigniting stubbornness flares. "Come on Clair, it's just the class." Henry's exasperated voice reaches my eardrums, my stubbornness gets stronger. "No Henry, I WILL NOT sing all alone in front of the class! I have social anxiety and regular anxiety! Do you want  me to have an anxiety attack in front of the class?!" I put my head on the desk, grabbing a few strands of my hair to cover my face.

"Clair, you're in choir! You sing all the time! This is no different! You're the one who's done all the singing, you need to do this because we can't go out and film anymore!"

"That's different! I sing in a group! I said no Henry, I don't want to have an anxiety attack!"

Henry puts his head in his hands, rubbing his temples as he grumbles about "overreactions" and "such a drama queen" under his breath.

I feel a warm hand patting my shoulder, Liam's voice quietly soothing me. His hand squeezes my shoulder gently before it leaves my back, but a different pair of hands land with a thunk on my shoulders. The hands start massaging, my head shoots up in alarm once my brain realizes what's happening. Jesus Christ, what the fuck?!  I hunch my shoulders forward, making myself smaller as I try to move away from the fingers on my shoulder blades.

Joel's voice breaks into my fuddled thoughts, "You're too tense, you need to relax. Come one Reece, let me help you calm down and relax. Just enjoy this, I promise you will." Henry looks up at me, "Wow Clair, you give a whole new meaning to the phrase 'Deer in Headlights'. Hey wait a minute, when did you start going by Reece?" 

"She doesn't. Only Angel is allowed to call her that because she's been calling Clair Reece for twelve fucking years. Joel is just being a stubborn fucking jackass who can't take no for an answer."

I shiver, trying to move away from Joel as my eyes flick to Liam as he speaks, looking for either help or advice on how to deal with this. At this point in time, I'm not even able to reprimand Joel from calling me Reece, The damage is done. I'm too freaked out as the panic continues to wrap its thick and suffocating fingers around my heart and lungs. I...I can't breathe... NO! Focus on something else, DO NOT LOSE IT! I snap my eyes to Liam, desperate to keep myself from flying away in the darkness of panic.

To my surprise, Liam's eyes are closed, his fists clenched so tightly I can see his veins fighting to break through the skin of his knuckles. His lips are pressed together firmly in a thin line, his eyes suddenly open, glaring at Joel's hands with a look of murder. Joel doesn't notice, leaning forward to whisper in my ear, completely ignoring as a shudder of fear passes through my entire body. I don't hear his words though, my eyes are completely on Liam under my hair as I still struggle against the tsunami of panic. In my current state of having my shoulders rubbed by a creeper and my creeping panic, I've forgotten everything Daniel revealed to me about Liam's feelings. Andrew's amused voice breaks into my range of hearing, clearing my mind a bit, "Calm down Liam, you have no reason to be pissed. Besides, if Joel wants to call her Reece, it shouldn't make a difference to you."

Liam doesn't say anything, turning to glare at Andrew. "He called her Reece. Like I said, only her best friend has permission to call her that, seeing as Clair's best friend has been calling her Reece for 12 years." Andrew holds his hands up in mock surrender, "Seems a bit silly to get so bent out of shape about it, she's not yours. As long as it's ok with Clair, it shouldn't matter to you what Joel does."

"Look at her fucking face. She is obviously not ok with this." 

At the same time this conversation is going on, Joel finally removes his hands from my shoulders, but not before he runs his fingers down my spine to the area just above my butt. I shudder quietly, thanking my stars when the bell rings loudly. Saved by the bell! I get my stuff, and get the hell out of there as I fight tears the whole way.

I feel two pairs of eyes on my back, and turn around. Longing blue eyes, smirking brown eyes, Liam and Joel. I shake off my feelings, walking to my next class with a straight face and my head held high. After a boring English class, I arrive at photography class in a daze. I plop down next to my friend Greyson, sighing in annoyance. I fix the pink flower clip in my hair, wishing I would've grabbed a headband as I vaguely hear my teacher explain our assignment. Class goes without any incidents, until the end.

I'm talking to Greyson, when he suddenly smirks at me, and lifts his hand to place it smack dab on the top of my thigh.

Half of his hand rests on my crotch, the other half on my thigh. No no no no no! Not again! I remove his hand with trembling fingers, "Hey Greyson, I have something to tell you." He looks at me, and leans closer with a grin. *SMACK!* my hand meets his cheek in a hard slap, my panic causing me to put all my strength into it. The concave dip in the middle of my palm catches his cheekbones, creating a harsh and loud sound of flesh on bone. Greyson grabs his cheek from where his head was tossed to the side, eyes wide. He winces as he assesses the damage, probing his cheek, "Aw damn, that's gonna leave a bruise. Shit Clair, you have a real mean right hook. Although I guess I deserve that, huh?" I glare at him, "Nah shit, Sherlock. Doesn't the term "Personal space" mean anything to you?! Besides, that is not even in the realm of ok! You know I have issues with people touching me!" The bell rings, I stomp out of class. A voice behind me calls out, "Hey, are you Clair?" I look towards the voice curiously, assessing the guy in front of me that I've never seen before in my life,

"Yes, why does it matter and who's asking?" I wasn't meaning to be harsh, but I was still wound tighter than a harp due to my interactions with Joel and Greyson.

The boy shrugs, holding up his hands in surrender.

"Ohh, feisty. Don't worry, I'm just the messenger. Liam told me to tell you he wants to meet you as soon as you're able, and to tell you that is was important."

DUN DUN DUNNNN! Maybe it won't be Clair who asks ;)

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First And Forever (under reconstruction) (Wattys2018)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora