"Oh my god." I whispered and flopped back into an armchair. Thor followed suit.

"Who was she?" Thor asked curiously. I shrugged.

"She was the first pretty girl I saw. I just grabbed her and then the next second we were on the balcony. Oh god Thor I did not know what I was doing. She just.... Her eyes reminded me of Aislin's. " I explained and felt more and more ashamed every word I spoke. I held my head in my hands.

"You can't keep kissing strangers and pretending it's her." Thor clapped a hand on my shoulder and went to exit the room. "You better make up your mind quick Loki. Because Aislin is dying without you." He called over his shoulder and then slammed the door shut. I sighed. How could I be so fucking stupid?

I groaned overdramatically and waved my hand. The chair across from me went flying across the room. It smashed against the far wall and splintered into pieces. I picked up a diamond paper weight and chucked it towards the same wall. It shattered into pieces, landing on top of the splintered chair. I screamed in rage and smashed my mug on the coffee table with my fist. The ceramic shards sticking into my hand. Cold coffee dripped onto the white carpet. Staining the floors.

I stood up and beat my fists against the wall. My breathing finally slowing. I sucked in air and swallowed hard. My breaths shaking. I ran my fingers through my hair and slid down the wall, until I was sitting. My heart was pounding in my chest. I cannot lose her. I know I already have but I cannot lose her. I cannot lose her completely. What was I thinking? How was I so stupid? Thor's words rang in my ears. Over and over, as if I was listening to them on repeat. "You can't keep kissing strangers, and pretending it's her." But that's exactly what I was doing. Trying to get my mind off of Aislin. Trying to distract myself with another woman's lips.

I pinched the bridge of my nose. Should I risk seeing her thoughts again? Would she have another panic attack? I took a deep breath as I placed my fingers on my temples and squeezed my eyes shut. My head began to swirl.

I winced, waiting for Aislin to start screaming in pain as soon as I entered her mind. But she didn't. She seemed to be asleep. Her dreams filled with terrors. I was watching the dream from her perspective.

I sulked down the halls. I was looking for something, but I didn't know what. My heart was racing and my breathing was quick and short.

I rested my arm against the far wall to take a break. But it was as if the wall was just mist. I fell through it and into the room behind it. When I turned around and pounded my fists against the wall, it was as if it was solid again. Like someone had locked me in.

The room had a familiar scent to it. A familiar atmosphere.

I felt my mouth go dry. This was Loki's bedchambers. I spun around and scanned the dark room, searching for anything that could be a threat. Suddenly I was blinded by white lights and someone grabbed my waist. A scream escaped my lips as I struggled in their arms.

"Hush." The familiar voice whispered. At the same time I was horrified, yet relieved. "Hush, my love, it's me." They assured. I kept my eyes squeezed closed. The lights blinding me even through my eyelids.

"L-Loki?" I whispered, my voice cracking towards the end as he embraced me. I felt my way towards his head, then ran my fingers through his silky hair. The hair I had been dying to touch since he left me.

I wrapped my arms around him tighter, but the suddenly he disappeared. As if he was just an illusion, like the wall.

"Loki?!" I cried. My heart beating faster. Where'd he go?!

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