12: Traitor, Liar, Heartbreaker

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It had now been two weeks since I'd spoken to God in private. The whole 'screw you' thing didn't count. The strangest part was that nothing had happened since that lightning strike. If anything, Axl liked me more now, and I was acting worse. Just yesterday I drank myself to blackout. Duff said that Axl said I get very frustrated when  I'm drunk. I wondered if Axl meant that the same way as he did before.

"Thank you, have a nice day," I said, handing a paper bag of books over to another customer. I'd almost made back half of the money I'd spent already. I was planning on giving all of it back to Axl at once, so in another month or so, I could probably make him happy. The door opened again, and a girl walked in, humming a song as she tapped on her leg. She grabbed one book and came over to the register.

"Just this one, please?" She said, sliding it towards me.

"Five dollars," I told her. She handed over the cash and I put it into the register. I gave her the book. "Thank you, come again."

"Do you only say that because you have to?" She asked me. "Doesn't that just make you a puppet who loves its strings?"

She turned away and left. I wanted to thank her for real now. Everything that the guys had been telling me for the last month finally clicked.

I threw open the back door to the Roxy. "What're you doing here?" Steven demanded, recognizing me immediately. "I thought you were working a double shift."

"I was. But this couldn't wait. Where's Axl?"

"Behind that door." He pointed. "But I think he's-" I threw the door open before Steven could finish, mortified by what I saw. Everyone froze, and sound no longer existed. The singer's pants were down around his ankles, and the skirt of the girl he was on top of was lifted up to her stomach. "Busy," the drummer finished.

So that's what sex looks like...

There was a knock on my bedroom door that night. "Go away!" I yelled at the person. Axl opened my door anyways.  "I said to go away," I grumbled.

"You opened my door. It's only fair." He walked over to my bed. "Am I allowed to sit?"

"Get out."

"I want to talk to you."

"About what? About how I'm just another name?"


"Don't call me that!" I snapped. "Stop with the stupid pet name. I'm not special. You just want to make me exactly like that girl in your dressing room today. Panties around my knees while you push your stupid part into mine."

"If that's what I wanted, I could've done it already," he told me. "I could make you stupid for me in ten seconds, but I haven't. We're not together though, so you're not allowed to be jealous of a groupie." He sat on my mattress. "Why are you so upset about this? I thought you were working to get my money back."

"I wanted to ask you on another date. I wanted a romantic relationship with you, Axl."

"Why don't you want it still?" He reached forward to put his hand on my leg, but I pulled away.

"Because of this. You're not like me at all."

"That's fine with me. I don't care if we're different, Angel... Lucy." He corrected himself. "But sex isn't necessarily a part of that."

"Just get out," I said again. I looked away from him, hoping it would make him go away. He didn't move for a while, but when he say I wasn't going to talk to him anymore, he stood up.

"If that's what you want, I'll leave. But I would've said yes if you asked me." He left the room, closing the door behind him.

My door opened again not but five minutes after Axl left. Slash was the one who was standing there. "I heard you had a broken heart, so," he held up a mug, "I brought you some tea."

"I don't have a broken heart," I grumbled. "But I will take the tea."

He handed me the hot mug and sat on the edge of my mattress. "I'm sorry about what happened."

"It's not your fault. I'm just an idiot." I took a small sip of the  tea. It felt nice going down my throat.

"Don't say that. But you shouldn't trust Axl to keep his hands to himself. He's a real rock star." I didn't respond, so the guitarist went on. "But don't sell him out short. I think if you stuck around enough and showed him love and affection, he might get a little better."

"I'm done with him. I just wanna get back to Heaven, but I screwed up my chances of that weeks ago." I took another sip of the tea.

"Don't be done with him. Give him another chance."

"Did he put you up to this?"

"No. I just..." His voice trailed off. "I like having you around here. You're good people, and I think that you should stay." He chuckled. "And you cleaned my hairbrush out the other day. I didn't even know you could do that."

I coughed. "That was yours?!" I thought it was my hairbrush. No wonder the hair looked darker than usual... I took another sip of tea. "Alright, I'll think it over." I smiled a little. "Thank you for the tea."


Knockin' on Heaven's Door (Axl Rose)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ