10: Blasphemy

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I rolled off of my mattress, groaning as I did. I had no idea how I got here. Izzy was sitting in the corner of my room, asleep. I walked over to him, and I tapped his arm lightly. He scored lightly, turning his head before opening his eyes. "Lucy, you need to be kept in a bubble."

"What are you talking about?" I asked. "Why do I need to be kept in a bubble?"

"You do crazy things when you're high. You started running around and panicking, and you were scaring all of the people. You kept calling for me, so I took you away from there. And then you got away from me. I searched for you, wondering how you'd gotten so far. I found you passed out near a dumpster. When I picked you up, you said something about needed to abort the mission. Totally lost your mind."

The door to my room was thrown open by a very anxious Axl. He grabbed my shoulders and began to shake me. "Why would you do something so stupid?!" He demanded. "Why would you go out and take whatever drugs were thrusted at you?!"

"You should talk," I muttered. "You're wasted all the time."

"Not on what you did. We don't even know what shit you fucked with, but it's not good. Don't fucking scare me like that ever again." I looked into his eyes and saw a sincerity I'd never seen before. Had he really been worried about me dying? This could work as a different approach, actually.

Izzy stepped up instead of letting me think about Axl's sudden changes of heart. "She was fine, I made sure of it. I got her ass back here alive, didn't I?"

"Barely!" The singer snapped. "You don't let her outta your sight if you take her out from now on, got it?"

"Well, if you like her so much, maybe you should take her out from now on," the dark-haired guitarist suggested, crossing his arms. "I'm not playing babysitter with a fucking adult."

A scowl crossed over Axl's face. He was reading the cards that Izzy was playing, and they were pissing him off. (I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.) "Stop being such a whiny cunt, and own up to your mistakes, dick."

The amount of swears that have been thrown in the last minute or so were starting to get to me. I wanted to leave the room so I didn't have to hear them anymore, but I didn't think that I had that liberty anymore. That is, if I'll ever have any ever again. "Ax," I started, his eyebrows shot up at the nickname, "I'm fine. You don't need to be upset with Izzy; it was all my fault. Please just stop fighting."

The redhead reluctantly gave in after a few seconds. "Well, I guess if you don't want us to fight. Do you need some coffee to help with the comedown?" 

I nodded eagerly, and he left to make me some. "He's sweet on you," Izzy whispered in my ear. "I'd never thought I'd see the day when someone could tame that devil-child."

I felt a smile creep onto my face. All hope for this mission is not yet lost, is it?

That night, I was sipping a margarita lightly at a bar, careful not to drink more than one. The others were chugging down their liquor, chatting up pretty women, or, in Duff's case, smoking. The bassist blew his smoke in my face. "I heard a rumor about you," He said.

I coughed on the air. "What was that?" I asked, choking on his smoke.

"That you've gotten Axl's attention."  A smile played on his lips. "What're you hoping to gain with it?"

"His redemption."

"I meant," He paused. He put the cigarette to his lips before taking another long drag. He blew it up to the ceiling. "I meant, if you were to be selfish, what would you do with it?"

I'd never thought about that. What would I do for my own personal gain? I took another small sip of the margarita before answering. "I don't know."

He put his cigarette in a dish full of other cigarettes. "When you figure it out, he'll probably be gone."

I took another sip. The glass was almost empty now, and my head was starting to feel a little fuzzy. I was tired. "What should I do?"

He pointed to where Axl was sitting. "Why don't you go and sit on his lap?"

I drained the rest of my glass, now full of the liquid that made me start to think about things I'm not supposed to think about. I did as Duff had told me, walking over to the singer and sitting on his knee. "Daring today, aren't we?" He teased me. He put his hands on my hips, dragging me closer to him until our chests were practically squished together. "What's gotten into you lately?" He asked me, putting his lips against my cheek.

That's what I wanted.

I turned my head to crash my lips against his, making for a long, drunk kiss. It was sloppy, but I followed his lead, copying him in a mirror reflection line for line. He pulled away from me after what felt like forever. "Why'd you stop?" I whined.

Axl chuckled. "You like that?" I nodded stupidly. "You're drunk, you'll regret this tomorrow." I shook my head, leaning in for another one. Why did we never kiss like this in Heaven? It felt so nice, and it put a warm feeling in my belly. Axl obliged, kissing me again. He moved the hands that were on my hips up my back, under my shirt. I didn't know what to do with my hands, but I did like tangling them in his long hair. No one in Heaven had freaky, long hair like his. No one sprayed it up on occasion like he did. If liking things like this was such a crime, well Lord then put me away. 

 I felt a cold breeze on my shoulders, and I lurched away from Axl. He looked at me weirdly. "You didn't feel that?" I asked him, looking around for the source.

"Feel what?" He asked.

I shook my head slowly, looking him over again. What was I doing? I was sitting in the lap of a man I'd only known for half a month, kissing him in a way I'd been told was inappropriate, and now I knew that God had watched me do it. Instead of apologizing, I screamed in my head 'Screw you!' 

That's when the lightning struck. 

Knockin' on Heaven's Door (Axl Rose)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن