Part Eight

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'If you come at the Bible as if it's a document of encyclopaedic information you've pretty much killed any kind of life change in a seeker and unbeliever.'

Erwin McManus

"Henrietta got just what she we all would if we behaved like that...honestly girls, squeaking at her night lacing...that really is so immature." Madeleine Craig suggested in a forced whisper, just in case either of their guardians was within earshot, although they were settled together in the old summerhouse, a massive wooden structure set down near the river at the furthest reaches of Lake House's quite extensive gardens. Madeleine and Alice said it was one of their favourite spots, but although it was rather a hot afternoon they were all encased in velvet as always. The only concession to the temperature seemed to be that their guardians had not bothered with their heavy cloaks in the gardens. Miss Ellis said that it was permissible to go without cloaks in the garden as they were not overlooked, unless anyone passed in a boat, and as it was intended to be a treat they were not veiled or muzzled for once either. Like all the others Beth had been thrilled, as if it was an unimaginable treat, until she actually caught herself thinking like that, because it was still all such madness to her. She was diapered, wearing a full-length, silk-lined velvet gown, with a matching bonnet and a thick mantle. Her hands were encased in the thick mittens. She refused to start thinking like her companions, because they simply did not know any different, and she was not like them, even if she had to pretend to be.

"She was probably just taken a bit by surprise," Alice Craig said with obvious sympathy for Henrietta. "Our night stays are severe for our own good...and we can only pray that poor dear Henrietta has learned from the experience in God's love." Beth turned her head to look at the shrouded figure sitting all alone in the far corner, well away from everyone else. Henrietta might be in disgrace, but she had still been allowed to visit the Craig's, because Miss Scott said the extra humiliation would be cautionary for her. She was cloaked, not to mention muzzled and mittened, and she had the familiar blanket over her head, with her ears no doubt full of God's blessed words.

"Children obey your parents in all things: for this is well pleasing unto the Lord," Georgina sighed and her friends all nodded sagely, except for Beth, who looked simply confused and disconcerted. "Colossians chapter three, line twenty, is a dutiful maiden's first commandment in God's love."

"Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right...Ephesians chapter six, line one...our duty is clear, Elizabeth, it is everywhere in the bible." Madeleine added, her eyes shining as she quoted the holy words, and Beth thought that she was rather pleased with poor Henrietta's plight. But they were all speaking as if Henrietta's punishment was a minor thing which she thoroughly deserved; like a grounding or losing her mobile for a week. Elizabeth would never believe that. It had not been a minor thing at all.

"He that spareth his rod hateth his son...or daughter of course...but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes...Proverbs thirteen, line twenty is our Christian duty to obey our parents and the guardians they provide us with to help us, and it is their duty to correct us if we fail in God's love...praise be unto the Lord God above." Georgina continued, but Beth could not follow all of their quotations, because it was all so obviously unreasonable. Like Georgina she had watched Miss Scott beat Henrietta after dinner the previous evening and it had been so horrible. The paddle Miss Scott used, a plastic implement, shaped rather like a table tennis bat, landed with an awful thump, time after time, and Henrietta, who was muzzled, writhed in agony lying face down on her bed. Then it was Beth's turn and she realised why Henrietta had reacted so badly. Each blow was like a flash of lightning across her soft, bare skin, and she was completely defeated after three strokes, let alone twelve, let alone fifty.

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