The Story of Nature and Man

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Nature had always watched over Man.

Since the beginning of time.

When Lilith betrayed Man for the Archangel. Or when Eve caused his downfall from the Garden of Eden. Nature was looking at Man from a distance.

She sought the right moment to meet him.

Then one day, Man was tired from a long hunt. He decided to wash himself in a river and also drink some water. As he was washing himself, from the trees Nature emerged.

She was dressed in leaves. Her hair was adorned with flowers. And every where she stepped, new life emerged.

Seeing her, Man rushed out of the river and reached for his hunting bow.

"Do not be alarmed. I come to you in love." Nature's soothing voice said.

Man didn't let go of his bow, instead he clutched it even tighter.

"If I were to harm you, I would've harmed from a distance. Why would I show myself to you?"

"Do you really love me?" Man asked.

"I do. Now drop your weapon." Nature replied.

"How can I know that you truly love me?" Man persisted.

"I have filled every tree with fruits to feed you throughout winter. There will be rivers running through your lands and it will water the crops you grow. Everything you touch will be twice blessed by me and you will flourish."

"Alright, I believe you." He finally relented.

Man cast aside his bow and his arrows. But he kept one arrow head hidden in his hand. Slowly he reached for his clothes.

"You don't need to cover yourself. I am Nature and I accept you as you are." Nature said.

Man walked up to Nature and they both embraced.

"Oh, how I have longed to love you!" Nature held onto him.

"I too have longed for a loving touch."

"I love you!"

"I love you too." Man whispered in Nature's ear.

Hearing this, she went forward to kiss him.

But a sudden pain in her chest stopped her. She looked down and saw that Man had pierced her with the arrow head.

"Why?" Nature asked him, weeping with anguish and heartbreak.

The Man said nothing. He knew better to not trust women. Twice he had been fooled, not the third time.

The blood of Nature slowly flowed into the river and Man drank it to quench his thirst.


"That was a dark story." My girlfriend said.


"What was the moral?"

"What do you mean? There was no moral."

"But I asked you to tell me a story with a moral. There must've been at least one."

"Well, how about: never straight up confess to strangers."

"That's... I don't know. You told me such a strange story. There should've been some moral or meaning behind."

"There's none behind it."

"Oh yeah? How do you know?"

"Because I just made it up five minutes ago."

"Then there HAS to be a meaning. People make some big Freudian slips while telling stories."

"You tell me about it."

I wouldn't necessarily consider her to be a bad girlfriend. She was cool and fun to be with. We went to dates regularly. Our relationship lasted longer than anything I had ever been on. Things were going fine for us.

Still I dumped her before I left for college.

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