Chapter 12

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The ground was silent beneath my feet as I trekked through the forest. As I walked, I wracked my brains for places Finn could be. It finally clicked as I was walking the wrong way.
"The warehouses." I muttered, turning around. Some time ago, I had read about old working warehouses, that were long ago abandoned. Because they were so isolated, and run down, there was a possibility that Finn was there.
When I finally reached the warehouses, the sun was rising above the horizon. I hadn't dared to fly, incase I was easily spotted, so I instead opted for walking, which also helped with navigation.
An arrow was cocked into place as I scanned the shells of the warehouses. While they seemed derelict, I knew they had basements, so I was prepared to give it a shot. Literally. My arrow thudded into the door, which crumbled, making me tilt my head in confusion.
The main warehouse was huge, and I tried not to cough at the dust as I crept inside. There was no-one in sight, and I squinted against the musty air.
As I strained to see, I could hear voices. "Gotcha." I mumbled almost silently, creeping down the rotten stairs at the side of the warehouse, turning into a wasp and flying through the open door.
People were sat around a table, hoods covering their faces, numerous papers spread out on the long table. While Finn was nowhere to be seen, they were still suspicious, so I spent some time deciphering the papers.
There were maps, with red dots on in rather specific locations, several fact files, and tiny bags of white powder. "Okay, lads." A gruff voice said. "Get these to each of the customers at three o'clock, sharp, tomorrow night."
My frustration grew. I hadn't found Finn, I'd found dodgy drug dealers. After they all left the room, I grabbed some papers, stuffing them into my quiver, and rushing from the room.
Loud shouts followed me, as I sprinted outside, turning into an eagle as I did, launching into the sky. Gunshots surrounded me as I dived into the tree line, preventing me from being shot.
The voices faded as I shot away. Although Finn was still missing, I needed to deliver the papers to the police, to prove I hadn't just spent the night creeping around by myself.
"Louis Tomlinson, what on earth were you thinking?" Lela scolded me as I returned to the house. "Never do that again!"
"I bought down a drug gang. Didn't find Finn." Tears rose in my eyes as I practically ignored her, going back upstairs and into my room, throwing my bow and quiver into my case, curling up in a ball on my bed, as the tears started to fall.
"Boobear!" Harry's voice cut through my gently sobbing, as he jumped on the bed next to me. "Are you okay?"
"Fine." My voice cracked harshly, so Harry forced me to uncurl, cuddling up to me, letting me hug him for comfort. I sobbed into his shoulder as Harry just lay there, occasionally kissing my neck.
It wasn't until the sun had risen fairly high in the sky that I stopped crying, taking deep breaths to help calm me down. 'It's okay.' Harry's thoughts were lingering at the back of my mind. 'Finn's fine.'
"He's not." My voice was almost gone from the hours of recent crying, scratchy and sore. "I - I heard Li and Zayn t-talking, a-and they said Finn wasn't o-okay." Tears built in my eyes again, but I forced them back.
"Ssh, he's going to be okay. They've got the best people looking for him." Harry told me comfortingly. "It'd be better for you to take a nap, then get your mind off it."
"Okay." As I was exhausted from being up all night, I let Harry shut the curtains and tuck me in, my eyes falling closed, mind plagued by what could be.
"Finn! Finn, no!" A female voice screamed, and suddenly, there was a yell of pain. "No! Please, no! I'll do anything!"
"Silence her." Bang, and everything went quiet, apart from harsh breathing, and the occasional whimper of hurt from a male, chained against the wall.
"Tell us. Where is he?" The voice demanded.
"I don't know. Let me go!" Finn raised his head, showing the blood splattered across his face, skin bruised and cut. "I'm not telling you anything."
"Very well." The voice turned it's attention towards two, shrouded people. "Kill the girl."
"No!" Finn shouted. "No! Please! Don't!"
"Will you tell us, then?" The voice asked.
"N-no. Just, don't hurt her." Suddenly, leather cracked down against his bare chest, drawing a steam of blood, accompanied by an agonised yell. "I'm not talking!"
"Take him, lads. Make the girl watch when she wakes up." The voice left the room, as the shrouded figures descended upon the chained figure.
"Finn!" I struggled against the confinements holding me down, as I thrashed, wanting to reach my brother, to free him, to heal the wounds.
"Louis, it's okay."
"No! Finn!" As I broke free, I jumped from the bed, landing ungracefully against the floor, tears pouring down my face. "Finn!"
"Ssh, it was just a nightmare. We've got you." My boyfriends crowded around me, picking me up and putting me back in the bed. I continued to sob, desperately wanting it to be false.
Somehow, I knew that wasn't just a nightmare. It was the truth.
"Boobear, listen to me." Harry's calming voice reached me, and I took a jagged breath, trying to listen to him. "You're safe. We're going to find Finn. Right now, you need to take a deep breath, okay?"
"O-okay." Wiping my eyes, I slowly calmed down, settling into Zayn's arms. They waited patiently as I stopped crying, gradually waking up.
"We should go out somewhere." Niall suggested, playing with my fingers.
"Pool. I'm going to swim." I said determinedly, getting up and running over to my chest of drawers. Finn had taught me to swim. The least I could do was learn, incase I needed to, to save him.
Liam handed me my swimming trunks as the rest of them got dressed. They opened my balcony doors, then the gate that had been installed to stop easy access to the diving board.
Harry jumped, then Niall, then Liam. Zayn motioned for me to go first. I looked at him unsurely, so he wrapped his arms around my waist, leading me onto the diving board.
"Don't shake, Lou, it's okay. Liam will catch you, yeah?" He whispered in my ear. After I nodded, scared, he led me to the end of the diving board. The other three were swimming about, and Liam came over, opening his arms.
"You'll be okay." Zayn murmured, before letting me go. I panicked, barely staying standing from freezing up in horror.
"Jump, Lou! I'll catch you!" Liam called, and I shut my eyes. Two steps, and I wouldn't be able to see myself falling. One step. Knowing I was right at the end, I hesitated, before falling through the air.
A scream tore from my throat, fear taking over me, as I hit the warm water. However, strong arms had already caught me, and Liam held me above the water, as I hugged him back, terrified at the water that was up to my waist.
"You made it, you're okay." Liam told me, swimming away slightly so Zayn could jump in. Niall and Harry both hugged me, then Zayn after he jumped in. The water lapped around me, and I clung tightly onto Liam, trying to get my heart rate to calm down.
"S-sorry." I mumbled nervously. They all objected, saying it wasn't my fault, that I was doing fine. As we drifted around the pool, I gradually relaxed, knowing that Liam wouldn't let me drown.
"Here. You're okay." Liam shifted so he wasn't holding me as close, and I went still with horror. "Ssh, it's okay." Once he had securely wrapped his arms around me again, I took in a shuddering breath, scared once more.
"You're not going to drown, promise." Niall smiled brightly, kissing my cheek. We spent about an hour lazing around the pool, Liam holding me the entire time.
"Boys! Are you hungry?" Lela came out, smiling softly as she took in the sight of me cuddled up to Liam in the pool.
"I wouldn't mind some food." Niall grinned, and Harry rolled his eyes, both of them climbing out the pool.
"Hazza." I whimpered under my breath, not moving from Liam's comforting hold.
"It's okay." Liam kissed my cheek, swimming over to the edge of the pool and helping me out, before jumping out himself, both of us sloshing after Zayn, Niall and Harry.
"Well done." Lela said quietly to me as I passed her. As Liam hadn't heard, I moved away, so we could talk a little more privately.
"I might need it one day." I smiled gently at her. "Besides, you know? Finn taught me. I might as well honour that by learning properly."
"I'm still very proud." She gave me a hug, before disappearing inside, leaving me to run after my boyfriends, my heart thudding against my chest.
A/N: I just wanted to update, it's been way too long. Hope you all like the chapter :p
Actually, I just hit 7k reads. Chapter for 7k on Freak!

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