Chapter 11

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A/N: chapter for 6k reads on 'Freak'!
When I woke up the next morning, I could immediately feel Harry's breath ghosting across my neck, tickling me. I wriggled backwards slightly, trying not to wake anyone up.
"Stay still, Lou." Liam mumbled, mostly asleep, from where he lay behind me with his arm over my waist. However, I was now wide awake, so I noted that my boyfriends were asleep before I got up and had a shower.
By the time I returned, Niall and Liam were awake, talking in hushed voices, so Zayn and Harry didn't wake up. Although, to be honest, Zayn wouldn't wake if someone yelled down his ear.
"You okay?" Niall smiled at me.
"Fine." I pulled some socks on, fetching my hair dryer and blow drying my hair carefully. The noise soon woke Harry, who curled into Liam, grumbling, before dozing off again.
"Louis? Boys?" Lela's voice floated into the room as she knocked on the door, so I went over and opened it.
"Yeah?" I smiled at her.
"Morning." She smiled back. "Just wondering, have you seen Finn anywhere?"
"He's not in his room?" Confused, I turned around, but I could see straight into Finn's room, and he clearly wasn't there. "No, sorry."
"It's fine." A slight frown took over her face as she said this. "We can't find him anywhere, and he's left his phone."
"That's odd," Liam wandered over, "He always takes his phone."
"We'll look for him." I offered.
"Don't you worry, Louis. I've got people out looking for him." Lela tutted gently. "You go have breakfast." Once we were all dressed, we headed down for breakfast.
"No note?" Harry hummed thoughtfully. "Zayn?"
"I'm on it." Zayn murmured distractedly, eyes glazed over as he tried to see something.
"For all we know, Finn could be underground." An annoyed huff left me.
"True." Niall shrugged. "He can take care of himself, though."
"Niall's right, don't worry." Liam told me firmly, forcing my face into a smile with his fingers.
"Can we go down to the beach?" I asked excitedly as I bounded back upstairs after breakfast.
"Swimming?" Zayn asked me gently, glancing up. After contemplating, I shrugged.
"Just in case." Niall grinned, prodding Liam to fetch all of our swimming trunks and put them in a backpack along with some water and snacks. I'd promised my boyfriends that I would try and learn how to swim properly, but the water scared me, terrified me. It was like I was drowning just from being in contact with it, as though it was seeping into my skin, filling my lungs, the air not helping, just letting excruciating water flow into me.
"Boys! I'm going out to look for Finn, so call if you find him!" Lela called as she went past my bedroom.
"He'll be fine, boobear." Harry murmured, wriggling so I was half-giving him a hug. He looked at me seriously, his green eyes concerned for me. "I'm sure." Harry leaned forwards and gave me a kiss, encouraging me enough to hug him back, to just focus on him instead of worrying about Finn.
"Thanks, Haz." I smiled almost shyly, our foreheads resting against each other. "Love you."
"Love you, more." With a bright smile, Harry ran after our boyfriends who were leaving, so I grabbed my phone and went after them. We all walked down to the slide, and lined up.
"Okay, lads, phones in." Liam held out the backpack, and we put our phones in the waterproof pocket. "See you down there." After giving us a grin, Liam leapt down the slide, disappearing from view. Niall quickly followed, and I shoved Zayn down after Niall.
"Come with me." Harry pouted, holding his hand out, so I sat down at the top of the slide, and Harry sat on my lap. Once I'd securely wrapped my arms around his waist, we shuffled forwards, before practically free-falling down the slide.
Air nipped at my face as we both screamed, the sharp drop making my heart race. Water splashed onto me, but there wasn't enough to make me panic.
"Careful!" Zayn called as we reached the bottom, before we both flew out the end of the slide, crashing into the water, piling onto Zayn, Niall and Liam.
"I've got you." Liam effortlessly lifted me so my face was well above the water level, and I calmed slightly. He jumped out, still holding me, before shifting me so he was carrying me bridal style. "Love you."
"Hate you." I pouted, earning myself a laugh and kiss. "I'm not a girl."
"We know." Liam didn't put me down, instead carrying me the entire way to the sea line. The waves were gently rolling over their feet, and Liam stopped when he was really deep, so I was almost drowning in the water.
It threatened me, I couldn't see the bottom, didn't know what dangers lay in those murky depths -
"Boobear, the water isn't even up to our waists." Harry told me. "And the water's crystal clear."
"Still." I whined, clinging onto Liam.
"I'm not going to drop you." He promised me. While I trusted Liam with my life, any of my boyfriends with my life, the water brought back the aching feeling of helplessness, my last scream, as I tried to swim, but I couldn't. "Here." Carefully, he wrapped his arms around my waist, holding me to him so just my ankles were in the water.
"Don't shake, it's okay." Niall kissed my nose gently. "Promise."
"It's not!" I whimpered. Liam lifted me up again, and I relaxed.
"You can do it. Here, Lou, come here." Zayn held his arms out just a metre from Liam. My eyes settled on him in my best 'b*tch, please', face. "It's okay, we won't let anything happen to you."
Suddenly, Liam had put me in the water, and I freaked, trying to turn into something that could swim, thrashing about, not able to be on dry land in any form. In my state of panic, my body couldn't transform properly, and I was switching frantically.
"Boobear, calm, it's okay." Harry said gently, and I realised we were back on the beach. They must have dragged me out as soon as I panicked.
"Haz..." Tears rose in my eyes, as I stared back up at him.
"We won't let you drown, promise." He swore. "Just one try?" When I violently shook my head, they all lay down next to me, creating a mass hug.
"I'm sorry, Lou." Liam apologised softly.
"It's okay, Li." I said, cuddling down into his chest. We rested there for a while, as I gradually calmed down, our bodies drying off in the warm sun that beat down on us.
"Louis." Lela appeared, and I opened my eyes, looking up at her. Tear tracks were down her face, her hair messy, mascara smudged under her red-rimmed eyes.
"What's wrong?" I sat up, resting against my hand.
"Finn. He's - he's been -" Suddenly, Lela burst into tears, as my heart constricted with fear. As I jumped up, I could see various helicopters flying over the nearby area, bright torches being shone.
"What happened?" I asked desperately as my boyfriends also got up.
"Kidnapped. There - there was signs of a - a struggle, and it's just-" She started sobbing, as I went stiff with terror. Finn was missing, kidnapped. Someone was strong enough to take Finn, who I knew could look after himself extremely well, and heaven knew what was wrong with him.
"I have to find him." Before anyone protested, I morphed into a eagle, flying up into the sky. The ground was covered in forest to the north, so I flew towards it, seeing the helicopters were focusing on a specific spot.
My wings brushed against branches as I weaved through the trees, trying to pick out irregularities that could lead as a clue. However, the ground looked exactly the same, until I came across a clearing. People were everywhere, and I watched them carefully.
There was some blood splattered against rubbled rocks that had fallen from a natural, short wall. What caught my eye was the piece of paper rested on top of them. In closer inspection, I could read it.
He's Gone.
Gone, euphemism? Gone, as though dead?
"Louis, it's okay." My boyfriends piled around me as I lay sobbing in my bed. Finn was 'gone', and I couldn't find him anywhere, even though I'd searched for almost the entire day, flying almost half way across the island, weaving in and out of trees, going into small caves, investigating disturbances in the natural fall of plantation, nothing.
Finn'd saved my life, probably more than once, and I couldn't even find him to potentially save his.
"We'll find him, it'll be okay." Liam said comfortingly, holding me securely. Niall and Harry were fussing over me, but Zayn sat still, holding my hands, eyes glazed over.
Several hours later, I was woken by hushed voices, but I didn't open my eyes. I was laying down in bed, Harry in front of me, and I noted that Niall was behind him, but Liam wasn't by me, and I couldn't register Zayn.
"He was awful, Li! If Lou finds out, he'll be devastated!"
"Z, calm down. Tell me what you saw." Liam's voice said calmly, and I could feel my heart speeding up, as I realised they were talking about Finn.
"I don't know, it was just a glimpse. Finn's clothes were shredded, he was unconscious, and chained up against a wall, by his wrists and ankles. But, he looked like he'd been beaten or something, he was drenched in blood, his arm looked broken, he'd clearly been cut so many times, and -" Zayn's voice was getting more and more frantic, and I could feel my heart starting to beat along with his voice, as worry washed over me.
"Zayn, just don't tell Lou. Or maybe Lela. Tell the people searching, but it'll just worry them sick when they can't do anything. Leave it to the professionals. Harry told you how to defend your mind, just make sure Lou doesn't know, okay?" Liam said clearly, as Zayn stopped pacing.
I forced myself not to sob as I tried to lay still, faking sleep. When Liam and Zayn got back into bed, I waited for them to fall asleep, before getting up and changing into my suit, grabbing my bow and quiver, and running outside.
Finn was alive, and I had to find him.
I needed to, before it was too late.

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