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"My name is Y/N and this are my younger twin brothers/sisters"

>Comte: the mansion will be lively again for a while..... I am happy to receive such a guest. *Bend down to the kids* Would you like to eat cake? Macaroons? Pancakes? Pasta? Or would you like to go shopping?

Twins: *stared*

Comte: *endlessly asks the twins*

>Leonardo: hey kids, this place is sacred. Let's not create a noise here.

Twin 1: this library is sacred? How? This place is filled with books only... HELLO?!

Twin 2: woah! Your voice echoes! Let me try! HELLO?!!!!!

Leonardo: *lifted the kids with his two hands and bring them outside* Let's go find Sebastian, his pancakes is the best do you know that?

Twin 1&2: Let's go!!! SEBASTIAN!!!


Twin 1: Sebastian.... I don't want this.

Twin 2: I want a cereal with chocolate milk.

Sebastian: We don't have that here kids, here have some pancakes with lots of lovely syrup.

Twin 1: No. We ate pancakes for the whole week *sobs

Twin 2: Our teeth will walk away if we ate more sweets, our teeth feels hurt *sob*

Twins: *crawls at Sebastian*

Sebastian: okay okay, how about some....
*Thinks of something*

Y/N : *saw them* I'll cook fried chicken, how is that?

Twins: *eyes twinkled* yes please.

Sebastian : *remind himself not to involve with kids anymore*

Theo and Vincent:

Twin 1: Theo! Piggy back! *Crawls on his right leg*

Twin 2: *hugs Theo left leg, not letting go*

Theo : hey! Stop it! These puppies isn't good! Hey! I said Stop it!

Twins: Not gonna do, we will cry if you do! C'mon piggy back us.

Theo: *was about to ouch the kid off of him roughly* Hey!

Vincent: Schei uit. Theo be kind to kids. You are not kind enough to Y/N at least be kind with the kids.

Theo: *gives up* *mentally cursing the kids*


Twin 1: Oh is that Sir Isaac?

Twin 2: oh yes! He is!

Isaac: just call me Isaac. Don't address me with sir, just my name.

Twin 2: hey it is true? That you discovered gravity?

Twin 1: is it true that the orange hit your head?

Isaac: *huh? -expression* *confused*

Twin 2: it must be true then! They said you become a genius when the orange hit your head really hard!

Twin 1: that reminds me of my older sister, she was cursing her physics books.

Isaac: what? Why would she curse her books?

Twin 1: because of you.

Twin 2: I heard she failed her Physics----

Y/N: time to go eat lunch kids, *covers their mouth*

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