In the backstage lounge, Yoongi unscrewed the insulation cup and handed it to Jin. "Jinnie, don't be nervous. Your program is scheduled for the prime time period and the traffic will definitely be at the top."

"I'm not nervous." Jin held the cup and took a sip. "I'm just a bit pained in the heart."

"Move on from it." Hoseok knew what Jin was thinking and reached out to pat his shoulder. "This circle has ups and downs. Some people can keep the scenery going. As for others, they must learn to accept the fate of being forgotten by the audience."

"Sung Dong had a good life before. Then he said in front of the media that a popular artist was lacking in acting skills. After that, he hasn't received a script in the past two years and had to rely on going to country towns to make some money. It wasn't an accident that he was splashed with milk tea tonight."

"He was also unlucky. Soon after offending this popular artist, his wife became ill and he had to spend money every day like water. If it wasn't for the treatment of his wife, he wouldn't have to come out in such a lowly manner to make money."

"It has been a few years. Even if the popular artist was angry, it should've been over by now. How can they chase him and not let go?" Jin frowned. No wonder why Sung Dong called a newcomer by 'Ssi (jin-ssi)'. It turned out he was scared.

'Who knows?" Hoseok sighed. "This circle has a lot of pressure and there are many things. Some people have a temper.

If it wasn't for gold being placed on his own artist's face and Jin's actions tonight, then Green Pepper Video would've really cancelled Sung Dong's program. In any case, it was a large-scale live broadcast and it was normal to temporarily cancel one or two programs, not to mention that Sung Dong was an old actor with little attention placed on him.

The party began and Jin went to the guest viewing area. There was a signed artist of Green Pepper Video sitting to his left. Since he had become quite popular on the Internet, he was counted as a brother of Green Pepper. Sitting to his right was a second-tier female entertainer with a stiff jaw.

From time to time, the live camera would sweep over the guest area. Once the camera swept over them again, Jin noticed the artist to his right suddenly leaning toward him and he subconsciously moved to the left.

The Jin fans saw this scene online.

"An invincible straight man's hammer."

"I made an expression pack 'Must Not Be touched By Me'. Does anyone need it? "

Jin still doesn't know that this action made his fans laugh. He was watching the stage seriously. Sometimes he laughed more happily than the ordinary audience at the performance and he had long forgotten anything like the baggage of an idol.

The performers on stage threw an amusing topic at him from the stage and Jin happily followed along.

Actress sitting beside Jin felt this person was strange. It was this type of online evening show yet he was more devoted than the ordinary audience. It was just like... a country bumpkin who hadn't seen the world.

A small and popular traffic star couldn't be restrained and dignified? Which fans could bear such a master?

The Jin fans opened Green Pepper Video just to see their baby. Green Pepper Video's camera was understanding and gave Jinnie a shot from time to time. In every shot, their Jinnie was focused on the stage and looked very happy.

"I suspect that the baby has forgotten he is a guest of acting."

"The baby is happily watching."

"Hahaha, Baby wake up. Your show is coming up!"

HIS SMILEOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora