☼ Chapter 3 ☼

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Monday 9:00 am
I was getting ready for class, I had already taken my shower and was now  picking out shoes to wear.
Me and Nia had made up over the weekend and talked everything out.

She explained to me how she truly feels about Diamond and the random boy I saw in our dorm Friday. She said she was confused about them both and just needed my support.

After we talked, things went back to normal for us. I checked my phone and saw a text from Selah.  I swiped down on the message thread while walking over to my backpack and out the door.


Selah💞: hey, are you busy after 5?

                                                                     me: nope, why

Selah💞: alright, ask Nia if she is too. We gonna eat later at some restaurant

                                                                     me: how about we just text our gc? Since I'm not in the dorm anymore

Selah💞: good idea

                                   Bratz dolls💖
selah💞:  alright y'all let's meet up at Freebirds World Burrito restaurant around 6:10?

me: that works for me

tiana💖: yeah that should be cool

Nia🤞🏽🔐: k


I shut off my phone and muted it and walked up to my classroom doo and I saw only a couple of people so I sat in my seat; shortly after, class began.

After class ended, me and tiana were walking towards our lockers and once we got to them selah came up to us and said,  "the tickets are $620 so make sure to save up yall."

Then tiana said, "girl you know we ain't no broke hoes we got it" I nodded my head in agreement and continued to unlock my locker and put away the books I didn't need anymore.

"Oh! I'm getting my poom poom waxed if y'all wanna come, they do walk-ins" I mentioned.

" Gurl, why would I pay someone else to do a job I can do myself no ma'am." Tiana said, making me and selah jerk our heads back and we looked at eachother then laughed.

"You sholl is acting like the broke hoe you said you won't" I said and giggled.

" Whatever y'all just wanna be bougie, I'll see y'all later tho I gotta get to class. '' Tiana responded and we all hugged and went our separate ways.

On my way to class I saw Nia and Diamond talking and saw Diamond throwing her hands all over the place; I guess they were arguing.

I made eye contact with Nia and she widen eyes which I assumed meant she needed my help. I walked towards her and said " Heeeey best!" and I could feel Diamond looking at me like I was dumb.

" hEeY bEsT!" Diamond mocked me and continued to say,  "BITCH! I know you see us talking."

At this moment, she had me fucked all the way up but I tried to keep my composure.

" Bitch, I'm not even finna get into it with yo delusional ass move along.." I said and Diamond replied with "Delusional where pooh," and raised her eyebrow.

"Delusional there bitch! Nia doesn't want you obviously."  I said, grabbing Nia by the wrist and walking off feeling hot because of that pigeon looking hoe.

"Calm down Mani." Nia said, stopping me. I rolled my eyes at her. "Girl honestly at this point, go back to that hoe."

"What's your problem?" she replied back trying to laugh it off.  I was already in a mood so I just walked off and left her standing there in the middle of the hall.

It seemed  like Diamond was taking control over me and Nia's friendship. I'm just ready for this to be over and for Diamond to not be mentioned again.

Tiana, Selah, and I, all met up at Freebirds World Burrito restaurant to eat and discuss the upcoming trip. 

"Where the hell is Nia?" Tiana asked us, while trying to ring her.

"We got into a little argument again." I told her. "Girrllll." She said back and Selah and her looked back and forth at each other.

"Ok anyways," Selah began saying, " So since Spring break is Friday, we can leave Wednesday. Just make sure y'all tell y'all teachers that we are leaving early"

"Duh! Tiana said. "Now, a bitch is hungry. Let's order and eat!"

We opened the menus and waited for a waiter to greet us. Once we got greeted, and got our drinks, I decided to order  a bowl with seasoned chicken, Spanish rice, cheddar/jack mix, peppers, potatoes, salsa and corn mixed into the bowl with sour cream on top.

"Why you gotta be all fancy." Tiana asked me. She just ordered a burrito with chicken and pork in it and Selah ordered a vegetarian type burrito.

"Girl it's better to get a bowl. That way you can enjoy the flavors and food better."   Selah started laughing and Tiana just made a face.

"Alright so what are y'all planning to do on this cruise." Tiana said winking. "I'm just gonna chill and enjoy my break."  Selah replied back.

"Boring! Mani, don't be like this fool. What you planning on doing? "

"I honestly don't know." I said drinking my lemonade. Tiana made an 'ugh' sound and said, "y'all wack as shit! Let's be bold and find us some hookups." 

"Y'all can. I'm happy with just me, myself and I." Selah flipped her hair and Tiana shook her head. "I'll do it Tiana, I'm ready for some fun and action." I said, doing a little dance.

"Yesssssss finally someone being fun!!"

We ate our food and left. We still haven't heard from Nia and at this point, I don't care if she doesn't respond to us at all.

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